Is Trump really so stupid that he doesn’t even know where his father was born?
Sounds an awful lot like someone’s in arrears with the mob and needs to pay up -quickly - before he gets his legs broken.
With all this confusion about where Drumpf’s own parents are from, we really need to see his long-form birth certificate now. Somehow, I suspect it’s actually going to show his place of birth as Braunau am Inn in Austria.
The fact that he keeps repeating easily-disproven lies tells me that he really does believe his own bullshit. I’m no doctor, but I believe our president* is suffering from early-onset Alzheimers or dementia. On the other hand, maybe he’s just the world’s biggest liar. An embarrassment either way.
Glib, and instant lies: A prime characteristic of a psychopath
Many reasons why Trump, in his warped mind, considers the EU a foe, but as the walls close in on him, let’s not forget that Dutch, German, and British intelligence tipped off our IC about the Russia/Trump conspiracy and perhaps set the entire investigation in motion.
Is this a ’ trick ’ question ? ? …
Every utterance is calculated to achieve one of Putin’s top goals: to dissolve international alliances that do not serve Russia. We can all stand resolutely that he is a Russian agent.
The President also lied about his parents, saying that both “were born in EU sectors.”
Um, the EU was not officially recognized as an actual entity until the 1990’s. If he was trying to say that they were both European, the lie still falls apart. He and his old man were nothing more than low class, NYC trash trying to be something they weren’t.
Maybe he wasn’t lying and his father was a illegal immigrant who faked being born in the US.
I think this is a job for Joe Arpaio and his crack team of on-the-ground investigators!
Maybe we’ll get lucky – if Donald goes ahead and claims HE was born in Germany, he’d be disqualified from the presidency.
This is why there is such hatred and dissension in our
country – but at some point, it will heal!
10:18 AM - Jul 15, 2018
After somebody’s become worm buffet …
and those left put in place safeguards against this shitshow
ever happening again —
Running those tweets through the Trump Projection Translator, I think they mean Putin has demanded that he turn over New York and Washington, but he thinks he can keep Mar-a-Lago as the Kremlin’s satellite office.
Hair Furor isn’t even trying to dog whistle at the neo-Nazis any more. He’s just standing there yelling ”here, Spot.”
If DT’s father had been born in Germany he would have joined the SS, fled to Argentina at the end of the War, and spared us the indignity of his spawn.
Better headline Trump Tweets Something with the lede, nothing new, just the usual abuse of facts, including the wrong birthplace for his father, combined with the normal groundless assaults on the press and Democrats.
Poster at British Anti-Trump rally: Too many Tweets equals a Twat
NB: Benedict Donald checks off every box in the DSM V list of indicators for Narcissistic Personality but adds another dimension in bullshit and gaslighting albeit longer on gas and much shorter on light.
Trump: “Much of our news media is indeed the enemy of the people and all the Dems know how to do is resist and obstruct! This is why there is such hatred and dissension in our country.”
No Donnie, it is you and your ignorant, bigoted, white supremacist friends in the Rethuglican party who have fomented the divisiveness and hatred in our country. Your words excoriating Mexicans and other Hispanics as “rapists, murderers, and drug dealers;” labeling all Muslims as terrorists and killers, branding everyone who disagrees and opposes you as weak and stupid, and worthy of being “punched in the face,” declaring women as fair game for groping and sexual assault – those are the roots of hate in Trump’s America… Those words capitalize on dissension and divisiveness. More tragically, your words, and your behaviors have encouraged violence and declining respect for our government and the office you hold.
And truthfully, if as you say, “at some point, it will heal,” it will heal in part because professional journalists and the main stream media are keeping us informed of the truth and not letting you and your corrupt cohort get away with the lies, the dissembling, the obfuscations, and the criminality upon which you have built your administration.
No, just an effort to emphasize a fundamental truth about our Fuhrer.