Discussion: Trump Doubles Down on Birtherism

No, you have bested me. I will accede humbly to the Drumpf Fourth Reich.


Truthfully next week will say a lot about what event caused Clinton the most damage: the deplorable comment or the illness.

Looking at the numbers on here and 538, she is still expected to win.

Now good debates from her will have to be her ā€˜sealantā€™, but my money is still on her.


Heā€™s King of the Birthers: why would this miserable racist change now?


Regarding your point #3, Iā€™ve often wondered why the press even bothers hosting Trumpā€™s surrogates. Their contribution ranges from outright lying down to merely not representing the actual views of Trump, such as on his having given up birtherism.

Should Trump become President, you just know the press will claim clean hands in enabling his rise and therefore the nationā€™s subsequent fall. Perhaps, the second most corrupt institution (after our criminal justice system) is our corporatized national press.


Unfortunately, pure satire can often be read literally. At least I hope this is satire or you belong in the basket.

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The deplorable comment wasnā€™t deplorable at all, to me, just fact based and, yes, possibly damaging.

Hillary will bounce back and take it, but still I should take things in stride or Iā€™ll get a hole in my stomach. The numbers (polls and instamaps get me nervous)



I agree. Someone who hasnā€™t changed in 70 years wonā€™t change in 50 days.


Guess that African American outreach is over. I would really love to see this bastard stroke out during the debate. Hilarious!


When pressed on whether he continues to believe the long-refuted claim that President Barack Obama is not a US citizen and was not born in Hawaii, Trump replied, "Iā€™ll answer that question at the right time. I just donā€™t want to answer it yet.ā€

Is the media really this collectively stupid? If Trump hasnā€™t yet answered this question definitively, he actually has answered it.


Trump has had some media success - youā€™re right about that. BUT, his renewal of his birtherism nonsense isnā€™t going to work in his favor. Even Republicans (let alone any minorities) will find it difficult to defend this. His small increase in poll numbers went to his head and he will pay.


Nicely played sir.

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I heard a commentator mention (canā€™t remember which one) that Trump decided to save his definitive answer to the birther question for the first debate. I only heard part of the comment, so I donā€™t know if Trump actually said that or if it was speculation by the pundit. Would that mean Trump thinks an apology over starting this controversy will save him at the debate?

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I thought that comment shouldnā€™t have been amended that quickly.

Id have waited and let them point at each other while yelling ā€œim not the racistā€.

I give though on that knot.

Itā€™s caused by Johnson voters trying to get him on stage.

Im somewhat curious what they will do when reality hits them in eleven days.


He will answer it should he win.

Might not like the answer,but thatā€™s on the media

Hes going.to duck on an answer come debate time.

Its the hardest part of him to let go.

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True. They shouldā€™ve waited for them to dismember one another and publicly out themselves from the basket.


If hills are all the things sheā€™s been accused of being it might be time to put that side to workā€¦cause she is not dealing with a normal gop candidate so the normal stuff ainā€™t going work. Sheā€™s is dealing with a sociopath, who the media either is too scared or just wonā€™t call him on his bs eventhough he gives them his to kiss every chance he gets.

In fairness, it is really difficult to represent the views of a person who changes their views every 20 minutes or soā€¦


The corporate press is infinitely worse.

A corrupt criminal justice system can be exposed by the press.

If the press tells the story how can they be exposed? Sure, some magazines, blogs, cable documentaries meant for highbrows can preach to people who know what they are saying already.

But for the ā€œpersuadeablesā€ā€¦the indies, the swingsā€¦the folks in the battleground statesā€¦the MSM can create their reality. Tell the MSM story and there is no medium OVER the MSM to be the judge of what they say.

In addition, the simplistic jingo that the MSM peddles is just the right 4th grade level of verbiage which can penetrate the minds of these folks. The Newsweek ā€œbombshellā€ dealing with Trump would be a disqualifier for Trump. But those who like Trump would not care or understand it.

And Andrea Mitchell ainā€™t gonna help.


Anyone thinking Trump or Clinton is a choice of the lesser evils is mistaken. Itā€™s a choice between the revival of the Klu Klux Klan and common decency.