Discussion: Trump Doubles Down on Birtherism

From a 2nd amendment perspective, I hope not.

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Well thatā€™s obvious,but hes running for office.

They should be pressed again.

After all,trump resurrected that monster


Driving time, Iā€™m about 5 hours from the Canadian border.

Should I just ram the border crossing at high speed, or should I try to emigrate legally?





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Maybe he needs some confidence to turn into the good old Trump we all learned to loath, just like HRC needs a cold bucket of bad polling data in the face to get out and start meeting people and stop going to the 5:00 p.m. $2500/ticket champagne parties.


Nah stick around for the rest if this show.

Plus this country has invaded Canada twice.

What makes you think that Trump wouldnā€™t shoot for a third time


Couple points:

1). Trumpā€™s already getting cocky with a few half decent polls that show him barely even.

2). This is partly in reaction to Obama tweaking him the other day. You just know, he canā€™t stand Obama for that, not to mention the legendary WHCD.

3). Seems like he and his campaign manager ought to get on the same page. Whatā€™s the point of having surrogates if they donā€™t represent your views?


Wellā€¦they SHOULD be asking him, but its a 50/50 shot whether or not they do. And even if they do, and he chooses to answer itā€¦he will answer by dangling another ā€œwill I or wonā€™t Iā€ style quote.

Its absolutely correct that he is playing with the media at this point. He saw just how far he could go with the whole Mexico City?Phoenix thing and get away with it, so of course he is going back to that well. The question is, when do they press get tired of being played for rubes and start playing hardball with him in return?


Chump said the same thing about his tax returns that voters are waiting to peek through.


According to 3 out of 5 dentists, Iā€™m still reasonably sane.

I just cannot figure out why this is even still a race, or why the mental health authorities, the MSM, and the US electorate have not already given the Drumpfster Fire a yugely big padded cell vacation.


If we have to wait for the media to step up, weā€™re lost. They wonā€™t. But nonetheless, as bad as the media has been, there has still been way, way way more than enough to sink Trump several times overā€“things that have been reported, information that is easily available. Ultimately the electorate has to step up. Obviously a good portion already has. Obviously a good portion never will, being as vile as he is. But thereā€™s a substantial percentage left over who really have no excuse. Weā€™re waiting on them.

And I hate to say it but the conversation has begun in our household about what to do if Trump wins. Leaving the country is definitely on the table.


This is about the 2nd or third time that hes zigged when he should have zagged on this subject.

I think Tweety asked him after a GOP debate and he gave that type of answer.

Two days later, Arpaio endorsed him, but karma is weird sometimes.

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His opponent is a reported metamorph who supposedly killed Vince Foster.

Anything else?


Considering his supporters have Twitter monikers (can you tell I donā€™t use Twitter?) like ā€œNate Higgersā€ and ā€œ)))Deplorable Goy(((ā€, what should anyone expect?

And tomorrow the headlines will be ā€˜Clinton, Trump Exchange Allegations of Anti-Semitismā€™ and Chris Cillizza will tell us itā€™s all great gamesmanship.


Still, itā€™s Costa! From the Washington Post! Thought heā€™d make a solid effort to pin him down or at least embarrass him well.


Thatā€™s on the media


He was embarrassed.

However again thatā€™s on the media.


Played for rubes? A lot of them are rubes, or at least play rubes themselves for that all-important accolade of balance.

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And thatā€™s why i want to see if Chris really knows how to do yoga come Nov. 9th