Discussion: Trump Doubles Down: Clinton Couldn't Win City Council Without 'Woman Card!'


I some time ago posted this… just a hunch, but I feel it’s not very far off.

One recent high-profile example I noticed – Stacey Dash said (and she often says this) something to the effect she is an independent-thinking black woman unlike her fellow AAs.

Kinda identity politics, but a very twisted one.

I agree…his disprespect of the POTUS on the birther issue among others and even his and his father being sued by Fed Govt for discrimination in not renting to blacks. I don’t get it .Those he refused could have been their relatives…don’t they care??? …I am Italian decent and if he treated by nationality like that he sure woudln’t get my vote.

Don’t believe her? Just watch.

Women voters are going to castrate this small hands Republican and make him like it. At least he’ll know what it feels like to have a cattle prod stuck up his vagina when he’s pregnant?

So which conservative genius told Trump that insulting woman voters with this gender card argument is gong to make Bernie supporters like Susan Sarrandon vote Republican? They must not feel that even Republican women can be trusted.

Is this what they think it will take to make “women who don’t use their brains” like Sarah Palin vote for Trump? The Trump camp isn’t even sure that Palin will really vote for him at this point?


Is there someone who is telling him that this could be an effective line of attack or is he just that oblivious to his own impending implosion?


So according to the short-fingered loudmouth, someone who couldn’t win a city council race is currently beating Donald Trump the Magnificent in the polls in the Presidential race, all because she “plays the woman’s card.”

First of all: Damn, that’s one hell of a powerful card! Of course she’s gonna play it!

Ironically, in actual card games we have a word for a card that powerful – a trump card.

In other words, Trump says he’s getting trumped.

But given that he’s currently in the process of bringing about his own humiliating defeat, the more salient point is that Trump is Trumping himself.

To which I say – go on, go Trump yourself!


Oh, there’s no doubt Trump has certain insights about people and the media. But it’s his history to decide in his gut that one thing and one thing only will work, and then sink everything into that one approach. And over and over again it’s brought the whole enterprise crashing down.

I also think there were so many interlocking factors creating his career these last 10 months, the absence of any one of which might have changed it all, that you might as well call it random chance. He’s like King, or Inhofe—he’s a horrible person who’s found a horrible constituency and they’re all having fun being horrible together. It’s just that Trump’s following is larger than King’s or Inhofe’s because he was an entertainer on the teevee.


Josh has editorialized this morning. An excerpt:

“If you are planning to fight a campaign explicitly on gender divisiveness, in this day and age and as long as the 19th Amendment isn’t repealed this summer (Republican Congress, who knows?) you’re toast.”

Trump has been labeled toast a few dozen times over the course of his campaign. He still appears awful white bread to me.
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And yet Hillary won her Senate seat and retained it until she became the SOS. The proper line by Trump should have been, Hillary is too big time for city council.

I’m sure that will be brought up more and more as the campaign goes on.

Interesting cause I think you bring up a good point which leads to another one and that is: even if you’re a dyed in the wool Repub woman who can’t deal with Clinton, at the very least, you recognize when a truly accomplished woman is being demeaned, Dem or Repub. Whether you think she’s “pushy” “aggressive” or not, her CV speaks for itself. Some of those women may have direct experience with similar situations.


I love Collins and haven’t gotten around to her column yet, but I’ll return the favor of a smart woman commenting on a smart women. Enjoy this.



This is excellent…white women haven’t voted Republican since 1996…Dare I dream of the possibility…
the implications are enormous…

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Ladies, unite. “We are too big to ignore”.

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… Or maybe he goes full on reality TV and picks a Victoria Secret model for VP? I wouldn’t put it past him.

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If Mr. Trump can accomplish two things, it’ll help quite a bit: 1) dislodge suburban white women from the Republican ranks, 2) move Hispanic voters to be fully embraced as an integral part of the Democratic coalition.


GawwwdAmighty’! I just saw Jim Gilmore (yup! THAT idiot) critiquing Trump’s ~snicker!~ “foreign policy” bumper-sticker slogan word salad yesterday.

Reporter: “But don’t you think Mr. Trump was short on specifics?”

Gilmore: “Listen! …No. He was specific. He mentioned ‘America First’ six times in a row.”

rotflmao…and WTF? Evidently to Baggerdumb’ and the Trump howler monkeys, that ‘trust me but I can’t tell you anything’ extended teleprompter-aided brain fart was filled with ‘specifics’!

Keep on “masturbating in front of the mirror” Donald.
Women make up 52% of the electorate, and you are doing your damnedest to alienate each and every one of them with your patronizing misogynistic bullshit.
As President Obama would say: “Please proceed Mr. Trump”

oh that was seriously one of the greatest things that I ever saw on the Daily Show.


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Uh…I think running twice for U.S. Senator from New York and winning both those elections kind of ups the ante over running for a city council position somewhere. And oh-my…she did it while being a woman too. The horror. Then again, if reality is your guide, tRump has never run for any public office until now…thinking he can run for the highest office in the country without so much as having been elected to anything his entire life, including city council.

What a misogynist asshole. Why does anyone bother to listen to this man?


During the initial part of the primaries there was a lot of anti-Clinton comments that not only walked up to straight up sexism, but vaulted over it into misogyny on the Democratic side. Not all these comments were made by men, either. I, and I suspect many others, noticed and (hopefully) said something. During the primary in 2008 it was much of the same thing, and thoroughly depressing to realize that a good number of progressives are both sexist and racist.

Trump isn’t going to change who he is during the general election process and he probably feels that there are enough people on both sides who respond to this type of comment to continue down this path. He may be right. However, just as Obama brought many racists out into the light, Clinton will bring out those who are sexist. It’s going to be an ugly, ugly general election. Brace yourselves.