Maybe there is a reason most of his wives haven’t been American citizens. You have to go deep into the heart of the middle ages to find women who would tolerate the baboon even if he is rich.
That works well. Really, really well.
I’m wary of this election devolving into a referendum on whether women deserve a seat at the tables of power, or even have the intelligence, gravitas and fortitude to wield power should they acquire it. It’ll be a tough goose to uncook if Trump wins.
Your reasoning is correct. Women of other lands have vastly different upbringing and circumstances (especially when billionaire money is dangled before them).
What I am curious about are the women who vote for Trump. I could read all day long about that one, because it makes no sense to me but sense to them. Replies to my query are welcome.
I certainly don’t think that is a coincidence. Fear and the need to control are two sides of the same coin.
I love how he’s waited until he’s basically sewn up the nomination before going full-bore misogynist asshole. He’s gone so far misogynist on this that Ted Cruz is trying to be the Gloria Steinem of the GOP. The schadenfreude is delicious and their tears are refreshing. I know he’s got some more of this stuff he wants to get off his chest. Please proceed, Donald.
I feel the same way about the blacks and Latinos you see at Trump rallies. There’ are always outliers but they’re a curiosity to me, nonetheless.
And Donald is playing the stupid card… So far it has worked for him
Or perhaps that moron just can’t help it…
I think I may speak for quite a few others in saying I was scared there was a part of him that was halfway rational and would say, when the time came, do this and don’t do that. But the schizoid thing is he’s also obviously an ignorant sexist racist lout who is also crazy. Like, really crazy. So when he does this stuff, you (or at least I) have a strange shock of recognition—I’ve been saying he’s crazy but OMG he really is crazy. If he feels like doing a thing, no matter how obviously disastrous, he will go ahead and do that thing. It’s really eerily awe-inspiring to see a person in the grip of that craziness.
I once knew a black man that was an avid, active member of the John Birch Society.
People is weird.
Ever notice how, in the Latin American novelas that are shown on Univision, that the main characters are Latino all right, but look like they are Northwestern European enough that they could fit in pretty well in Frankfurt, Germany?
Whiteness and maleness cast a long shadow across so much of our reality.
I love how he’s waited until he’s basically sewn up the nomination before going full-boor misogynist asshole.
I’m stealing that.
Your recognition of this craziness has been appreciated.
But Adolf Hitler was also unbalanced. And he was possessed of a mentality with unsurpassed cunning (something that Trump has demonstrated by getting to this point).
Trump has many gifts. One of them is that he intuitively groks the heart and soul of the redneck, be he in Indiana, Connecticut, Delaware or Queens.
And the stupid Trumpy woman supporters will say …yeah yeah Mr. Trump. They don’t get that he is insulting every woman. And you know he thinks the same about the POTUS. and the Black Card…He is a POS…COME ON WOMEN GET OUT AND VOTE…dont let him insult us like that…
OMG! Hillary is experienced, qualified, and the best person for President. The “woman card” has nothing to do with it. Trump can play it. The rest of us will vote for the best!
And yet Hillary won her Senate seat and retained it until she became the SOS.
The proper line by Trump should have been, Hillary is too big time for city council.
Not only is Trump’s tactic a demeaning and insulting one, it has no bearing on reality.
When and if needed, Hillary will hit Donald the new Dummy upside the head with some real policy, both foreign and domestic and his, insult to stay afloat, game will sink, or go bankrupt to be more on point.
Donald’s new President teeth are almost as nice as his artificial hair mist…