It’s like he’s trying to lose the general preemptively now that he’s got the nom locked up. You know, it’s still a possibility that he’s a plant; I do remember reading that he and Bill Clinton had a little chat just before he announced his candidacy.
Is it wrong that I’m smiling?
That’s what having “billions” of dollars buys you in this society.
It’s Mrs. Clinton. Only her friends call her Hillary.
You can tell Trump is a 1% conservative establishment elitist when he practices their common tactic of demeaning other people.
It’s how they establish their superiority in their own mind.
That is plausible. The CEOs of MSM “news” direct the actions of MSM “journalists” (another name is “Trump enablers”). Todd, Stephanopoulos, Blitzer, etc. either do Corporate bidding or get replaced. In a sense, it would not matter if any one of these (competitive) networks decided to practice journalism, because the hyper-competition for ratings would direct the others to take up the derp slack.
The more fascinating area of interest for me is the people who support Trump.
At this point I am not completely sure if the quantity of people who support Trump has been artificially augmented by FOX, Talk Radio and 1001 other merchants of derp. I DO know that overall race relations have never been better in the United States. That sounds like something nonsensical until one takes into account that younger people are driving the improvement in race relations**.
Politics" is the game of older people.
** As per Gallup, 87% of Americans now approve of Black-White marriage as opposed to 4% in 1958
Furthermore, anyone reading Gunnar Myrdal’s AMERICAN DILEMMA (1944) will never fail to
be struck by the absolute rigidity of black versus white separation during that time. Page 58
is a damning indictment of the American system Myrdal calls “The White Man’s Theory of
Colour Caste”. There are three components. The first one is…the primary command is to prevent
In 2016, we cheer basketball players like Klay Thompson and Austin Rivers with barely a mention
of their mixed ancestry. But the hoopers skew young.
TeaBagg World skews OLD and BITTER
Trump was raised to be a spoiled brat, and his billions certainly did allow him to get away with it all these years. But there are billionaires who value tact and circumspection and don’t let fly with every thought that passes through their heads. So even among people who can indulge every bad trait imaginable, Trump stands out as a clownishly injudicious boor.
time magazine article 07/17/15:
The real estate magnate has a long history of delivering admiring comments about the woman he now calls the “worst Secretary of State in the history of the United States,” and a “desperate” and “sad” candidate.
When Clinton last ran for office, Trump was torn between supporting her and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. ” They’re both terrific people, and I hope they both get the nomination,” he told CNN in 2007, adding that he thought Clinton would surround herself with good people to negotiate a deal with Iran. A year later, Trump wondered publicly why Clinton wasn’t chosen as President Obama’s running-mate.
In 2012, as Obama was running for re-election, Trump called Clinton “terrific” again in an interview with Fox News, saying she performed well as Secretary of State.
“Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman,” he told Greta Van Susteren. “I am biased because I have known her for years. I live in New York. She lives in New York. I really like her and her husband both a lot. I think she really works hard. And I think, again, she’s given an agenda, it is not all of her, but I think she really works hard and I think she does a good job. I like her. HUH?
Two things…what elected office have you occupied Mr. Trump and do you understand that Clinton was once an elected member of the US Senate from NY state?tWhat would Trump have to say if he was forbidden from using insults, innuendo or outright lies to characterize his opponents,? At last he would be mercifully silent.
Jeeeeeeesus… Only Donald Trump could find something to say that would hurt is general election chances worse than “Mexican’s are rapists”, and then say it out loud, in public, repeatedly…
Donald, when people marvel at how incendiary rhetoric, they’re not doing it to challenge you to dig deeper.
My schadenfreude at watching the Republican party go down in flames is quickly being swallowed up by genuine horror at the carnage being inflicted. This is starting to turn into the Civil War of American politics. The only hope is that the devastation is so shocking that generations will go by before a clown like Trump can run for office and not be laughed out of the room immediately.
(and to @emilianoelmexicano) As a woman and a Jew, I’ve thought about this kind of thing from time to time. Who knows, but I do think there’s frequently an element of “I’m not one of them” to it, an insecurity about being seen as acceptable and competent and “one of the good ones” by the still-dominant (certainly psychologically) white Christian male “power structure.” (“You think like a man,” “You’re not loud like most of them,” eg) So that insecurity manifests itself as the “performance of superiority” – see @geofu54’s perfect Stacey Dash example. Clearly there can be substantive reasons for a given individual to vote GOP (low-empathy well-off or religiously conservative folks, say); but I really think that screwed-up psychology’s at the heart of it for lots of people.
[Wow, sure used enough quotation marks and parentheses…]
From the Hillary campaign email… gotta chip in and get one
Absolutely correct, but my (lifelong) experience with wealthy individuals has been that they usually have an entourage who’s only job is to protect and serve (using Chris Rock’s riff on ‘rich versus wealthy’).
Regardless of how…well meaning…a person may be, that insulation does mean they lack a certain…connection…to the reality most of us live in.
Tact and circumspection? Certainly, but that usually means there’s something going on they don’t want anyone to know about. I’m sure there may be exceptions, I just don’t know of any.
So I chipped in
Again, no argument with what you’re saying about being extremely wealthy and the insulation it provides from the rest of the world and your own mistakes. But if you think about it, relatively few people in any income bracket are consistently tactful, judicious, able to think critically and step outside their own biases, handle criticism and setbacks with equanimity etc. They may hold their tongues when their bosses yell at them but then they go home and yell at the family and kick the dog. Long story short, wealth gives you more leeway but Trump would be a total ass no matter what his life circumstances. It’s baked in.