Petulant child speaks
Film at 11:00
So…this will be after insulting France over and over by telling crowds of sheeple about ‘his friend Jim’ who no longer ‘loves’ Paris.
Ten bucks says he doesn’t know which “War” the French are commemorating. “It was a big war – an amazing war – but nothing like what we can do now. Some people call it a Great War – not many people know that. But our wars would be much greater now, because I know more than the generals do.”
Going to the parade in Freedom-Fries-France?
Why does he hate Murica?
Not sure I can handle the ten bucks but it’s a bet I’d love to lose.
Sorry, France.
I know it’s a lot to ask… but would you keep him?
The local politicians who run Washington, D.C. (poorly) know a windfall when they see it. When asked to give us a price for holding a great celebratory military parade, they wanted a number so ridiculously high that I cancelled it. Never let someone hold you up! I will instead…
Does he even begin to understand how weak he sounds? The Democrats who run DC didn’t want that stupid parade. No one who isn’t a mouth-breathing Republican wanted it. So, if it’s true that they gave you some astronomical cost in order to get you to fuck all the way off then, big dummy, you got played straight out the box with no instructions.
Ten bucks says Mango Mussolini uses the phrase “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” at some point during his Paris visit…
Em, has he actually been invited or is he just going to call the night before and show up?
This is actually a fascinating question. I would wager that no previous President in at least the last century has announced a visit to another sovereign state without at least some consultation with that state’s leadership. Not that you need permission, per se, but it just isn’t done.
It’s entirely possible that Trump just decided in a fit of pique that he’d invite himself to France, without telling France, and that this has never happened before. “Unpresidented”, as they say.
Didn’t know we had fighter planes that only cost $93 million.
I think I’ll send some GI Joe figurines to the WH to ease the disappointment.
I love this idea.
Right because the Macrons might be planning to have other guests that week, or re-doing the guest bathroom.
He could have cut the cost of the parade by at least a third and maybe by half if he just eliminated the Department of Homeland Security- after all, why would he need $20M to $50M worth of security?
Also - according to an article yesterday in CNBC the parade was turning out to be much bigger than we had been lead to believe:
The $92 million cost estimate includes security, transportation of parade assets, aircraft, as well as temporary duty for troops. The official also noted that while the size and scope of the military parade can still shift, the plans currently include approximately eight tanks, as well as other armored vehicles, including Bradleys, Strykers and M113s.
The official also said that experts put to rest concerns about whether the Abrams tank, which weighs just shy of 70 tons, would ruin infrastructure in Washington. Their analysis found that, because of the vehicle’s distributed weight and track pads, the streets of the nation’s capital would not be compromised.
The parade is also expected to include helicopter, fighter jet, transport aircraft as well as historical military plane flyovers. Troops in period uniforms representing the past, present and future forces will march in the parade, as well.
When you read the part about tanks not damaging streets, remember that Constitution Ave was damaged during the Desert Storm victory parade- and the tanks weigh several tons more now.
I’ve also included a link to a Slate article on the effects the Desert Storm parade had on Washington’s streets, etc.
Not many people know this, but Napoleon did that stick-his-hand-in-his-jacket thing because he was too ashamed to show his tiny, boyish fingers, which many people are talking about more and more, I notice.
Now we can buy some more jet fighters!
Is Trump really so stupid as to think we can buy some more jet fighters, plural, for $90 million? And if we can, then why is he jeopardizing national security for the sake of a vanity parade?
If only Macron were to extend an unprecedented invitation to the Iranian president to attend the procession.