Discussion: Trump ‘Didn’t See Any Big Deal’ In Saying We Should Punish Women For Abortions

Well of course he wouldn’t see any big deal in that. Becuz it’s a deal see, a very very good deal too. No one gets a better deal than Drumpf does.


Well, if abortion was made illegal but no penalty how would you enforce it?


The Donald seems to become more and more bi-polar or multi-polar as this whole campaign circus of his goes on. He is staking out so many different positions on the same issues that he no longer seems to know what he said a day or two,or even a minute or two earlier.


Ho-kay, is there anybody still concerned that Trump will reveal a calm, self-controlled, rational side in a successful pivot to the general? Nobody? Didn’t think so. I’m with Coulter on this one: The candidate is mental. We knew that before she did, because she’s mental too, but still.


In his interview with Pags, Trump was back on the offensive …

He never stopped being offensive.


“A lot of people thought my answer was excellent, by the way,” the GOP frontrunner said. “There were a lot of people who thought that was a very good answer.”

Please proceed, Trumpeter.


“A lot of people thought my answer was excellent, by the way,” the GOP frontrunner said. “There were a lot of people who thought that was a very good answer.”

Typical double-dose of symptomatic vacuous posturing by the GOP’s cheese-tinged poseur-in-chief.


It really isn’t a big deal…if you regard women as unworthy of any respect at all…


“Trump ‘Didn’t See Any Big Deal’ In Saying We Should Punish Women For Abortions.”

Because GOP Jesus says:

“Greater love hath no man than forcing distraught women with crisis pregnancies to serve hard time.”
– Republiconnians 15:13


There are various forms of delusion these days (for example, there’s the Sarandon kind).

Most of the people resigned to Trump getting the GOP Nomination fall into various categories. Some “pragmatists”. Some scared of Trump. Some wanting to laugh at Trump getting creamed in the General. Some who put Party above all else.

None of them imply that Trump has a lick of sense.


Right Wing Watch on Tuesday flagged an interview Trump did over the weekend with conservative radio host Joe Pags, in which Trump said he "didn’t see any big deal” with his remarks.

“A lot of people thought my answer was excellent, by the way,” the GOP frontrunner said. “There were a lot of people who thought that was a very good answer.”

This is silly. Why are we focused on this when we could be trashing the leading Democratic candidate, a woman who has spent the last 4 decades fighting hard for women and our rights, saying “person” instead of “fetus” while staunchly defending reproductive rights? Isn’t a dishonest, idiotic, opportunistic battle over semantics more important than the fact that all three remaining Republican candidates want to completely ban abortion and would nominate SCOTUS judges that would absolutely make that happen? Geez, where’s your perspective, guys?


Trump’s “position” on abortion kind of reminds me of Wally Shawn’s position on which cup he was going to drink from in Princess Bride.


Seriously, the Matthews interview was Wednesday, and this was the weekend. So it was only for 72 hours or so that he managed to face the fact that he’d made a very bad mistake. Obviously that awareness was so unbearable that he suppressed it, retreating into delusion. This behavior speaks for itself.


Wouldn’t his original answer follow from the idea that abortion is murder?

I think it would have been in character for Trump to argue that the provider is like a hit man but the woman makes the request. The hard core Christian right wing doesn’t like this because they just don’t value a woman’s judgement no matter what.


Interviewer: Do you believe in equality for women?

Trump: Sure I do. Fuck 'em all.


It’s not that he’s bipolar on this issue, it’s that he’s trying to walk back his walk back. He hates that he had to apologize or even admit he said something “wrong”, so he’s got to put the ole spit shine on that turd in hopes of being able to prove to others that his original statement wasn’t even wrong in the first place. Look for him to keep touching back on this subject again and again until he feels he’s properly vindicated. He’s so mentally exhausting. Maybe that’s why Melania looks pained and confused all the time?


Any woman voting for him is NUTS, except for the usual 1% who can conceal and combine her abortion with a great vacation.


I actually appreciate the logical consistency of punishment for murder if that is actually how you feel. The woman is a victim dodge should fall apart when a woman uses the morning after pill to induce her own abortion. She is her own doctor in that case, then what? The more they make/let Donald mansplain this the better it will be for pro choice folks!


He dodged the question Dowd put to him about how many women he’d known who’d had abortions which tells me there’d been a few, and none met any punishment. .

I had to ask: When he was a swinging bachelor in Manhattan, was he ever involved with anyone who had an abortion?

“Such an interesting question,” he said. “So what’s your next question?”

@landshark2897 conceal and combine her abortion with a great vacation.
Since we’re on the subject, it’s San Juan, P.R.

Pained, dazed and confused. You’d be too if you’d succeeded in your attempt to look like a Barbie doll and to sound like one…

The id with hair meant “Sure I do. I fuck 'em all.”