Discussion: Trump ‘Didn’t See Any Big Deal’ In Saying We Should Punish Women For Abortions

Name three of them, T Rump.

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I hate to say it, but Trump was right the first time. If abortions are illegal, a woman who has an abortion should be punished for breaking the law. This is consistent with the reason we have laws. It is also the reason why abortions should remain legal, so we don’t end up with hundreds of thousands of women (and doctors) in a new criminal class. A middle ground in which abortions are illegal, but women who have abortions are victims, is hypocritical mush.


LOL Yeah, but those are truly the least of things that should have poor Melania pained, dazed, and confused. I mean, we are talking about a woman who sleeps next to a hideous, bloviating, idiotic, asshole who wears dead circus animals on his head, couldn’t digitally pleasure a thimble and is extremely likely to have a penis the size of a safety deposit box key. And her stepkids are the evil characters in every movie about rich people hunting poor people for sport. She has it good financially, but that’s really about it.



Everyone is giving the anti-abortion crowed a pass here and just jumping right to Trump, but the facts are IF they actually believe a ‘murder’ is happing, then they need to lay out their punishment for the murderer. The fact that so many anti-abortionist came out denouncing Trump shows how many of them don’t even believe their own rhetoric and deep down know its not really ‘killing a baby’, or they really do agree with what Trump said but know it’s so wrong you can’t say it out loud. They all need to be called on this.


Did you ever think you would have cause to write those words — and mean them? Crazy times we’re living in.


Agree with what’s been said above.

As strange as it is to say, Trump is right on this. If you believe that abortion should be a crime – on par with murder, no less – then a woman that gets an abortion should face legal punishment. That’s the only logical stance to have on this.

The idea that anti-abortion advocates want some system that legally prohibits abortion but won’t punish the women that commit “abortion” is ridiculous political double-speak, the cynical result of focus group studies in an attempt to soften the effort to take away a woman’s right to control her own body. It’s possibly the most blatant example of Republicans being forced to hide their true beliefs and goals from the general public in a haze of buzz words and carefully vetted phrasing.

Trump was trying to pander, and made the mistake of taking things to their logical conclusion. If anybody wants to understand why the Republican Party is what it is today, this silly controversy may be the perfect microcosm.

I grew up pro-life and among other strident pro-lifers. Many of my friends and family are still strongly pro-life. And there is no doubt whatsoever that punishing women that commit the crime of abortion is very much a part of their goals.

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##Exit Poll: One-Third of GOP Voters Would Bolt if Cruz or Trump Win

Amid fierce clashes between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, one out of three Republicans voting in Wisconsin said they would abandon the party if either candidate is the ultimate nominee, according to early results from the NBC News Exit Poll.

When asked what they would do if Cruz were the GOP nominee in November, only 65 percent of Wisconsin Republicans said they’d vote for him. The remainder instead would vote for a third-party candidate (18 percent), vote for Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton (7 percent) or not vote at all (6 percent).

###What will WI GOP voters do if Cruz is the GOP nominee?

The numbers got slightly worse for the Republican Party when voters were asked to consider Trump as the GOP nominee. Just 61 percent said they’d vote for the brash businessman, with the rest defecting to a third party (16 percent) or to Clinton (10 percent)—or simply staying home (9 percent).

###What will WI GOP voters do if Trump is the GOP nominee?

#And that is how you lose in a landslide!


Trump’s original statement is pretty much the archetypal example of a Kinsley Gaffe: “A gaffe is when a politician tells the truth – some obvious truth he isn’t supposed to say.”

All the forced-birthers cringed when they heard it because they know how the line plays with ordinary human beings. But in GOP Primary Land it plays just fine.

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I’m assuming you’ve seen pix of the trump’s pleasure palaces in New York and at Mar a Lago. They are hideous, big gold filled repositories of tributes to his wealth. She doesn’t want him to win even more than we don’t want him to win, but they’ll console themselves with the thought that he was totally misunderstood. Your descriptions of his disgusting physical self are just perfect and, unfortunately, easy to visualize.


Well said Plucky. I concur whole heartedly. Great description of trump!

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Your restraint is admirable.


Am I reading that chart right? 10% of Republicans say will vote for Clinton if Trump is the nominee? I knew there would be a few, but 10% surprises me. I’m less surprised by the Third Party number. That’s what most of my Republican friends have been saying.

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Well maybe not all Republicans, but Republicans primary voters in Wisconsin, according to this exit poll. I was less surprised at the third party numbers, but I would have figured more of the anti-Trumps would fall into the “stay home” category than vote for a Democrat.

Edited to Add: But maybe they figure they’d rather see the GOP lose and Trump crash and burn, than risk Trump winning, and basically owning the GOP brand. And the way to have the most effect on that would be to vote for his opponent, not stay home or vote 3rd party… So maybe they are just being practical.

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Any woman associated with Trump must be a glutton for punishment.

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Actually Republicans have a plausible alternative with the probable Libertarian candidate, former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson. Think Rand Paul without the nuttiness and goldbuggery.