He probably figures since Fox Not the News built an entire network with this shit it should work for HIM too.
Donald Trump on Tuesday refused to apologize [about] Central Park 5…
{sigh} Apparently all the other days ending with ‘y’ were booked with other refusals.
He really is garbage. Absolutely no redeeming virtues at all. His cult is may be fine with that, but what does that say about them?
Nothing good.
Actually, it wasn’t even a murder. As brutal as the rape was, the victim survived.
a) I’m guessing you’re on your cell phone again…
b) Only 20, by March 2017? (This seems like deja vu, I’m sure we’ve discussed previously)
When he leaves office, no pardon. No “let’s move forward” pardon bullshit.
This guy looks at the Constitution as his enemy. What should that make him to a patriot?.
The best salve to this ongoing attempt at tyranny, this sad march to dictatorship, is to read up on American history. It helps me understand that past is prologue. Which gives me hope that good people are doing something to preserve our country.
Using my tablet is just as hazardous to my spelling as my not-so-smart phone is. Plus fat finger syndrome.
And yet the shortest two weeks.
It’s his deal with HBO. The producers wanted out of Game of Thrones so that they could go work on Star Wars movies, so they brought him in to provide entertainment and cover for their slip-shod ending while they transitioned.
That’s my conspiracy and I’m sticking to it.
Ah, yes, we have had this discussion before, you and your autocorrect.
F÷×kin& phone.
I should add it is also a function of being 70 years old I am afraid.
And we’re off! And really, I mean off.
“If you look at Linda Fairstein and if you look at some of the prosecutors, they think that the city should never have settled that case,” Trump told Ryan. “So we’ll leave it at that.”
OMG -there is no bottom to his evil wrt the Central Park 5, and now this at a political rally invoking Christ’s name. This is not Christianity far from it. It is pure unadulterated hate of anyone who disagrees with Trumpism. This is scary stuff.
I could barely get through the first episode, I was so pissed off about it.
SO I watched the Ken Burns documentary on Prime.
and sadly, while the Netflix series is important, its point of view is so skewed its difficult to know what is truth, and what is agitprop,
He’s right if by both sides he means the ignorant versus the informed.
This, in an old confirmed agnostic’s view at least, is what Christianity is:
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
I’d venture to say not one person in that building really understands that.
The simple thing that bothers me about every exoneration is that it means the real perpetrator is still out there. Not with the 5, yes, because they caught the guy.
But every case with an imprisoned innocent person means that there’s a monster out there.
How do prosecutors live with themselves when they do this shit? If they’re truly interested in keeping the public safe, why aren’t they most interested in getting the correct person convicted, rather than just a conviction.
And why, oh why, do we allow them to walk free and don’t prosecute them for dereliction of duty…
The only way Trump could make me happy is having an AAA pop— while he is saying something horrible like this.
He’ll always have Clarence Thomas.
They did not catch him. He confessed.