Every time I think that there is nothing new that Trump can do or say to make me angry… he does it again.
This pig never backs down on his lies and false accusations. Yet, when he is demonstrably guilty of criminal behavior, it’s “fake news.” He continues to be a national disgrace.
Well, to be fair, he said the same thing about the White Nationalists in Charlottesville.
Doesn’t make it right, but he did say it.
…Good people on both sides…
Like Mussolini, Trump is always right. Far right.
I guess there was nobody in the room to cough.
“DNA evidence found that a convicted serial rapist had been responsible, and the Central Park Five were exonerated.”
Trump: “Everybody knows science is biased!”
Pence: “DNA was put here by G-d to tempt us and test our faith.”
McConnell: “The exoneration of the Central Park Five wipes away the original sin of slavery.”
But he’s right, of course. There really are people on “both sides.” There are people who oppose executing innocent African Americans, and there are other people who support executing innocent African Americans.
The latter are Trump’s base.
Amazing, right? Two years in, every time you think he can’t top himself, he goes and does it.
ANYONE else would have run out of material in a couple of months.
Jefferson wept.
“You have people on both sides of that,” Trump responded.
Yep - the innocent teens whose confessions were coerced and who you continued to demonize … and the actual perpetrator of the brutal assault and rape.
“If you look at Linda Fairstein and if you look at some of the prosecutors, they think that the city should never have settled that case,” Trump told Ryan.
Well, at least none of Trump’s tax money was used for the settlement.
There are good people on both sides of the conclusive, exonerating DNA evidence!
Barr: “FBI agents seeking to undermine the President planted false DNA evidence and coerced a confession from an innocent bystander to “clear” the Central Park Five.”
Well, there goes the last of the black vote for Trump. All 37 of them.
Is this an expression of his deep-seated pathology, in which reality is subjective, changeable according to your opinions and wishes, or is it a Putinesque conscious effort to destroy the idea that truth is knowable? Haha trick question it’s both.
When I think about what having this criminal in the WH has done to me, I think about the people of New York that have had to put up with him forever. I’m sorry for them, but really sorry the rest of us had to be dragged down by all the crap from 2+ years. It will come to an end but doesn’t look like any time in the near future.
There are not good people on both sides of the part in his hair.
The last two years have been the longest 20 years of my life.
The Netflix series “The Way They See Us” has aroused a huge new interest in this miscarriage of justice, and it does not look kindly upon Trump’s behavior during the Central Park Five incident.
I hope every GOP member is questioned about this, just like Charlottesville.
And he just never knows when to keep his mouth shut, does he? Not that I’m complaining!