Well donald… both sides are gonna vote you out of office … (and off the island).
“They admitted their guilt.”
Yeah, just like Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos did.
Trump has always been a proud, and unapologetic, racist. And as long as he stays that way, his “base” will never desert him. The racism is only going to get worse as we move toward November, 2020.
But it’s the same old tired shit. He can’t come up with anything new to shock us, he’s pretty much said it all. And anything that maybe new will surely be revealed that he said it back in '80s or '90s. Along with 99.9% of what he says is shit so there’s nothing new.
That’s rich, coming from someone who was too big of a pussy to sit across the table from Mueller, because he was afraid the Special Counsel would trick him into admitting guilt.
On 8nauguration day 2016 i began to keep a list of impeachable offenses. By March 2016 I had 20 separate and distinct act that for any other petson would have redulted in an epic hew and cry for impeachment.
I gave up then knowing nobody had enough courage to … git’r done. Very sad for all Americans
Nor is there a good person beneath it.
_______________(insert name of holier than thou GOPer, mine would be Josh Hawley) : It was part of God’s plan for the Central Park Five to be convicted, while innocent of the charges. He was testing their faith."
Just watch the Netflix series about the case and you will find new levels of loathing for the tRump. I did.
To watch him exploit his celebrity and raise his public profile by persecuting 5 teenaged boys by giving interviews and calling for them to receive the death penalty is enough to make a person want to vomit.
He is a despicable excuse for a human being.
And straight into the pit of Hell. “Hey Satan no backsies!”
He always goes to race and immigration when he’s in trouble to redirect the news cycle from bad Mueller/Russia related news. Imagine what the news cycles will be like when Nancy declares ‘Case Closed!!’.
This is the thing that it takes people with a bit of insight to notice and say. He’s described so often as shocking and supernaturally able to hold people’s attention that nobody gets around to saying what an incredible bore he is, how he’s utterly predictable, how really when you get down to it he’s a garrulous old fool of a type that’s as familiar to everyone as a species of bird. He’s the uncle and the grandpa who’s shushed at every holiday get-together, who promised he wouldn’t start up and ruin Christmas again, all that. There’s nothing new or different at all. He’s just viler than most, and more of an occupant of the Oval Office than most, but new and different? Not a bit.
Of course they thought the city shouldn’t settle - it was an admission of culpability.
The fact that they would take that position knowing how tenuous the case was in the first place and subsequently having someone else’s confession (not coerced by the way) confirmed by evidence they had from the start just goes to show that they, like tRump, have no moral compass or sense of humanity.
Birds of a feather those people.
Deplorable, just as she said.
Face facts, Donald Trump is an evil, malevolent, despicable excuse for a human being.
Not quite. Manafort, Flynn and Papadopoulos weren’t coerced and they were represented by legal counsel every step of the way.
I take your point though - that if the Five cannot be subsequently exonerated by new evidence because they first confessed then Manafort, Flynn and Papadopoulos cannot be exonerated either because of their confessions.
But unlike most people, he comes at each scandal with a new and improved touch at it.
Such a talent, I’m jealous, really.
Funny he never says that about Congress…
Anyone who has seen this powerful film which ends with exoneration of the five young black teens who turned into men in prison, no less than six years and as much as 13 for the youngest teen, and an award of $40M from New York City for false imprisonment knows anything he’s saying needs to be ignored.
Admitting he is wrong is a bridge to far. Well, I mean honestly admitting he is wrong. If he does admit error, look for the angle he is playing.