Keeping spinning, you crooked-#RICO-violation of a “Grand Old Party”: Mueller’s hounds are baying at Donald’s heels, and you gutless corrupt assholes are running down the median strip straight toward the onrushing semi-truck headlights of November 2018.
“… despite the release of a September 2016 taped conversation in which Trump and Cohen can be heard discussing a deal …”
Who you gonna believe, Trump or your lying ears?
Pecker is supporting Cohen’s version of these payments so later today is T going to add Pecker to the liars list?
[quote=“c_stedman, post:4, topic:76373, full:true”]
Pecker is supporting Cohen’s version of these payments so later today is T going to add Pecker to the liars list?
[/quote]Can’t trust anybody these days.
“Having an affair and lying about it with a porn star and a Playboy bunny is not impeachable,” Fleischer said, “it’s Donald Trump.” But lying about an affair with an intern without any hush money changing hands is an impeachable offense?
“Having an affair and lying about it with a porn star and a Playboy bunny is not impeachable,” Fleischer said, “it’s Donald Trump.”
Was that Bill Clinton’s mistake? He didn’t have his affair with a porn star or Playboy bunny?
I do believe the impeachable offense is illegally buying the silence of the two women, in order to influence an election in which he was the candidate. But Fleischer knew that already.
Trump lied about it, but he has never been asked about it under oath. YET.
I do love the fact that the “Lock Her Up!” crowd’s best defense now is that their hero hasn’t yet been charged with any crimes. Be patient, good things come to those who wait.
The mantra of a despotic imbecile.
That Ari Fleischer quote at the end is a classic. Guess Newt Gingrinch never got that memo.
Evidently, Bill Clinton’s mistake was not being a Republican.
The Access Hollywood tape should say “They let you do anything if you’re a Republican.”
As Trump vented his frustration, White House aides sought to project a sense of calm.
Sisyphus had it easy in comparison.
Came here to say just that.
And I love the circular logic of “you can’t indict a sitting President and the President hasn’t been charged with a crime, so he’s innocent, but he can’t be indicted because he’s a sitting President”.
I’m going to bed now, and I would really like to wake up to a replay of August 9, 1974. See what you can do, folks.
“Having an affair and lying about it with a porn star and a Playboy bunny is not impeachable,” Fleischer said, “it’s Donald Trump.”
However having an affair with Putin and lying about it, which is also Donald Trump, is a high crime and impeachable.
"The problem is, they forgot to campaign in numerous states!”
Yep, Hillary WAS a lousy politician.
Former George W. Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer stressed that the revelations may be sordid but do not meet the constitutional bar of “high crimes and misdemeanors.”
“Having an affair and lying about it with a porn star and a Playboy bunny is not impeachable,” Fleischer said, “it’s Donald Trump.”
But having an affair with a White House intern is?
How about committing campaign finance violations to silence them? Is that impeachable Ari?
Poor Donnie, surrounded by traitors and backstabbers.
Wonder where he found them all, the best people?
Manafort, Trump wrote, had “tremendous pressure on him and, unlike Michael Cohen, he refused to ‘break.’”