Discussion: Trump Corrects Himself: I Meant 'I Don't See Any Reason Why It WOULDN'T Be Russia'

I’d believe that…if instead he said it was Eric.

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Golly jeez and willikers, 2 year olds can come up with better excuses than that. Of course, 2 year olds are not able to dig holes so deep, so it is not a fair comparison, the 2 year olds win either way.


Unfortunately I am not convinced that the media will have the patience to actually go back and look at the context of this statement. Because even with the “correction” the larger import is exactly what he said just now—which is we don’t know one way or the other.

Here’s the original quote: “With that being said, all I can do is ask the question. My people came to me – Dan Coats came to me and some others – they said they think it’s Russia. I have President Putin; he just said it’s not Russia.
I will say this: I don’t see any reason why it would be, but I really do want to see the server. But I have – I have confidence in both parties. I really believe that this will probably go on for a while, but I don’t think it can go on without finding out what happened to the server.”

So “this will go on” means “question will remain unanswered” until the server is found (which, since the whole possibility makes no sense, will never happen). So no way of knowing: there is Dan Coats and then there is Mr. Putin. Just can’t say. That’s what he is saying and what he is repeating now.


In a word:



Who are you going to believe - him or your lyin’ ears…? :wink:

You mean Who are you going to believe the liar or your lying ears

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The usual Trump insanity, an idiotic liethat gets lost in the rest of the idiotic lies. And he said it was the first time she had reviewed her honor guard in 70 years.

70 hours maybe.


I’ve seen hostage tapes that were more believable.


Right. It was that one word…not your entire demeanor, almost everything that came out of your mouth and your body language and overall deference to Putin after an unprecedented secret meeting with him during the pendency of an investigation into whether your campaign colluded with Russian operatives, who proven to have hacked your opponents computer systems, to help you win the presidency. Everything went swimmingly and you thought you nailed it on the “taking Putin to task” front, but then poof, you got home and everyone surprised you by being upset.

This is like the guy who was caught wearing the robes and hood at a Klan cross burning, cheering for the speech about white supremacy and minority inferiority, cheering for the Manifest Destiny white Christian nationalism, cheering for the south shall rise again war of northern aggression rhetoric and waving of the traitor’s flag, cheering for the ritual hanging of the local black guy they picked up off the side of the street…expressing surprise when people condemn him for it, then saying “oh, I get it…I’m sorry…I shouldn’t have said the n-word…totally didn’t mean to and I apologize.”


Not to mention you could tell by his character and all his previous statements that he said what he meant to say.

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I guess we all make mistakes


The only audience for this lame correction that matters is the IC. Do you think they believe it? Me either.

Un-fucking-believable. I mean that literally - it’s not remotely believable.


“So I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.”

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OMG I didn’t think he could possibly make this worse but here he is. He’s actually claiming he misspoke and thinks ONE word changes everything and overrides the other shitty things he said yesterday?

This guy is crazy.


No, he did a 360, not a 180.

He still said it could have been anybody.


Removing ‘like’ makes it a more accurate statement.


The great walk back begins.

“It depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘not’ is.”

But of course the rules are different this time, aren’t they, GOP?

(see also Clinton, Bill; impeachment)

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