Discussion: Trump Confirms Suspicion That He’s Passing The Buck To Congress On DACA

Congress has many jobs including impeachment, investigations, hearings, etc. Is 45 suggesting they do all their jobs, or just the one his royal highness selects?


Trying to have it both ways–that usually works, doesn’t it?


Trump won’t stand up to (GOP) state AGs.
Sessions won’t take questions at today’s “press conference”.
Congresscritters will scamper from their offices to the elevators and back so they can dodge reporters.

A nation cannot be run on sheer cowardice.


Did they say Sessions won’t take questions? Amazing.


A person with a heart would keep DACA in place, until such time as Congress comes up with a replacement.


I don’t really expect Congress to be able to get their shit together to do something constructive about DACA, but supposing they could, how ironic would it be that Trump’s first major legislative triumph would be legitimizing policies implemented by Obama by executive order. Fortunately, Republicans don’t understand irony, so it may yet happen (although I doubt it; there are tunnels connecting the capitol with the congressional office buildings because Congresspeople can’t be trusted to cross the streets by themselves).


His first legislative triumph was the Russian sanctions bill. :o)


Why take questions when you don’t have any answers.


At the risk of being lyched out here, it may well be that der Furor has stumbled into the right choice. DACA, as an executive order, was always at risk of being reversed or perverted by whoever happens to be in the Oval Office at any particular time. And it is the kind of policy that Congress is intended to make. Of course, given the Republican massive resistance to anything Obama proposed, the system could not work. But now DACA has become popular, as people have heard many examples of Dreamers being productive, even exemplary members of society (like some of the first responders for Harvey), and many of the most prominent executives (who employ Dreamers) have called for the program to continue. Even Paul Ryan opposes ending it.

So this may be a (relatively) good time to enact a permanent fix. Not overall immigration reform–that is probably impossible any time soon–but a limited enactment for Dreamers. The big question will be whether Ryan and McTurtle will allow such a measure to come to a vote if it will be passed by a majority of Democrats and a minority of Republicans.


I have a great heart, orange hair, and my best feature- a big yellow belly.


Trump is a coward. Sessions is the worst AG we’ve had in our history.


A Pyrrhic victory if ever there was one (with apologies to Pyrrhus).


You’re obviously too young to remember John Mitchell.


Oh, curmudgeon, we wouldn’t lynch you because we’d miss you. We’ll just slap you around a bit… :smile:

Your assessment that this may be the right time for a legislative solution could be spot on.

I also agree with “stumbled into” as the appropriate description, as I am 150% convinced that he has chosen this strategy solely for self-preservation and will probably be seething if/when legislation is passed that doesn’t boot them all out of the country. Should that happen, he may be equally furious that he can’t veto it without getting slammed by the majority, who support it. Either way, he’s gonna lose face and “ratings” from someone and that’ll make him livid.


The big question will be whether Ryan and McTurtle will allow such a measure to come to a vote if it will be passed by a majority of Democrats and a minority of Republicans.

My gut says yes, not because they have any principled bone in their bodies, but because corporate America is (as best I can tell) in the process of staging a shit-fit.

And when shove comes to push and it’s time for a Republican leader in congress to either stand up for the principles his/her (lol, this is the GOP: his) constituents ostensibly believe in or risk offending the corporate masters and taking away Romney’s gardners, they will always, always side with the latter.


'Nuff said

Don’t forget Alberto Gonzales!


Agree with what you said but the big “if” can this congress can get anything passed that protects them

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It better include a route to citizenship.