Uh… The same guys are killing Muslims too - a lot more of them in fact.
He just keeps stirring up the hatred.
The investigators should ask Don since he seems to know everything about the incident.
Drumpf: "Let’s see nine Christians slaughtered in Berlin versus 450,000 civilians, 50,000 of them children, in Syria. One of those groups deserves a tweet.
“Kellyanne, is my taco bowl here yet?”
I am so sick of right wing asshats only caring about Christians who are killed around the world. They don’t give a damn that secularists face persecution and death, or LGBTQ people, or people of other faith traditions. I refuse to view Christians around the world as any more worth saving than any other religions’ adherents. GFY, Trump.
This sounds like it was written by Kellyanne on her message writing shift. Coherent, superficially heart felt, but incendiary
@tiowally This is what the taco bowl actually looks like along with the frat house quality cocktails. It was served to the VF writer who reviewed the restaurant at the High Tower, and called it maybe the worst restaurant in the country. I give it three yucks.
You know how some binge on remembrance clips of the year, as the new one approaches ? ? —
I will NOT be doing that …
There is no medicine nor drunkenness that will give me stomach —
Hey, dumbass, everyone who shops at Christmas isn’t always a “christian.”
Kellyanne Conway is, actually, a horrible liar.
Lock her up.
Fuck off, Trump you sociopath. As if you give a shit about the victims. Fuck off and die.
At least he’s not appreciating imaginary “congrats” for being right about terrorism. We must embrace steps forward, however small.
We’ll never see him in a fetal position. But he will be flying over the carnage, looking like he might care.
Yeah, I am as Jewish as they come and I have visited many Christmas markets in Europe. What’s not to love about them. And, yeah, he’s a low-IQ asshole.
Trump IS the squidge over troubled waters
Josh is saying the POTUS runs the goverment?
Since when???
I think, as head of the executive branch is implied
Oh, but not when Obama was POTUS.
Any doubt that Trump will make common cause with Russia as one of the “freedom-loving partners” – perhaps the most important one – in a war of Christians versus Muslims?
Should turn out well. Won’t elevate ISIS or Al Qaeda or anything.
It’s a Christmas market in an international city, not a bible study in Topeka. But sure, let’s create the narrative that a bunch of Christians were just sacrificed for their faith. Then pass someknee-jerk “religious freedom” and “Muslim registry” laws before things die down.
That taco bowl looks like it tastes almost as good coming up as it does going down.