Discussion: Trump Concludes Campaign Was Spied On, Warns Of 'Long Jail' Time For 'TREASON'

shhhh… you’re not allowed to talk about that. We all have to pretend that never happened, so we can act like there is no reason to start impeachment proceedings…

The electorate is made up of humans, flawed and otherwise.

One big reason we are in this mess is that our form of government relied on so many norms and traditions being followed by honorable people. With the presidency and an entire political party corrupted to the core and acting in bad faith, the limits of our Constitution have been strained.

If we ever have another election and manage to win back the Senate, the first actions should be to close all those loopholes with solid, unambiguous laws. Otherwise, we are inviting bad actors and foreign governments to do it all over again.


I doubt he sought anyone’s permission.


Sadly, I agree. Trumpism has caused permanent brain damage.

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Good Grief. Every time you think this absurd affair has reached it’s apex, it shoots higher. A tragic comedy if there ever was one.


I see the plan is for these suspects are to be arrested by AG Barr and put in Gitmo away from congress investigations till after the election. That is what I would do I I were KING!

While donnie’s blatherings are infuriating…Barr’s coldly calculating answers on this are chilling.


OTOH, starts significantly raising the stakes that the Deep State will start coming out with all the dirt that they have on Trump… Offense being the best defense, and all that.


well said

The Republican version has some significant redactions.


lese majeste, et L’etat c’est moi!

You know, the divine right of kings and all that associated horseshit. Have we impeached the motherfucker yet?

(HI @Tena. Welcome home. We’ve kept your question going in your absence and haven’t had hardly any Monty Python quote-a-thons.)


Or fucking the wrong person, or being accused of fucking the wrong person …


Willfully, massively ignorant or racist or homophobic or sexist or deeply greedy voters voted for a self declared shit stain of a human in far greater numbers than anyone expected. THAT is why we are in this mess.

If it was the queen.

Yes, the wrong person usually did involve a queen.

Lordy…I hope there’s tapes!


It’s the Founding Fathers’ sharpie, I tell you!

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The NSA intercepts every communication that crosses our borders, either direction (and has in the past collected purely domestic data “by accident” and they assure us that’s not happening and won’t happen again and we should totally believe them…), stores it out at their massive data center in Utah.

They’ve got the tapes, it’s just a question of whether they’ll ever get leaked out.

(what’s that helicopter sound…)


In short: “So what?” Let these chimps “investigate the investigators.” There’s nothing we can do about it other than winning in 2020, and expending ANY energy on this BS doesn’t help us with that one bit.

I feel bad for Clapper, Brennan, et al. But we have mush bigger fish to fry. I’m not clicking on any more of these stories and I’d encourage everyone to ignore them.

Here is comes, Trump and associates calling for “locking up Obama, Clinton, Comey, McAbe, and others at his rallies and on FOXE. I’m just thinking that if you are a proven liar and batshit crazy you may as well go for it all by saying something like this.

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