I wondered why the media didn’t report the “little Mike” tweet…
If you haven’t seen that speech where he goes off on wanting to actually hit people you should see.
It’s wow
Just to add this to thread you just posted,and will make you chuckle.
“A Wrinkle In Time has been outselling Trump’s Art of the Deal.”
Yeah, I saw the bulge on Dubya’s back, but I just figured he was wearing a sports bra.
Well yeah - A Wrinkle in Time isn’t just the book Chelsea mentioned, it’s also damn good.
And they are actually books, not just one.
Right. That is why I hedged with “possibly”
Excellent article. Everyone should read it. Thanks.
Hillz is one point ahead … in deep red Missouri!! According to most recent polling.
Let’s see, fruitcake debate with Clinton or nfl game? I vote for the fruitcake debate with Clinton!
I’d bet everyone is going to see that eventually via Hillary ads.
“Old woman”? (And I appreciate your apology/disclaimer.) In my opinion, he is more like a three-year old boy, who has just been told that he has to eat his vegetables. “WAAAH, I DON’T WANT TO!!” How anyone with a modicum of sense could consider this man suited for the highest political office in the land is a complete mystery to me. Save the republic, and vote against this monster.
Maddow did a brief rundown last night on all the existing polls as well as my personal favorite predictwise.com, a betting market. All of them show HRC comfortably ahead of him and probably likely to rack up 300-odd electoral votes almost immediately out of the gate. P.S. I don’t think I can ever shake the sound of Hillary telling us about trump’s speech.
He spoke for 70-odd minutes – and I do mean odd.
His continuation of “everything is rigged” campaign.
Hmmmm. Noticing a continued disgusting pattern here.
Thanks, you-know-who.
I think it’s more that there are some jobs that Americans just won’t do.
Having read about it at grade school, I can still remember my excitement when I pulled a copy from the shelf of the old Kenton County Public Library as a child. I cannot remember the story. I should reread it.
(Since the Cincinnati Reds have been so brutal, I recently suggested to my bored 83 year-old mother that she reread some of her favorites from her young married life, youth and childhood…she’s loving it!)
Hope it is not an erroneous outlier. We will know for sure in about three weeks- after the Olympics- when voters start to focus more on the election.
Those two Corinthians told me that they had tickets to the game that Sunday, so to go ahead and schedule the debate, so I did.
I’d rather watch football than listen to Trump.
Let’s remember that his based is just like him in that way. They are always wanting to punch someone who has been perceived as aggrieved them.