The obvious fix is a national primary in, say, March or April. My bet is that if such a primary were held this year, it would be Hillary v. Jeb or Li’l Marco.
Hillary sure seems all-powerful to have rigged those debate dates way back in 2015, especially since she is supposed to be feckless.
Isn’t the truth that Donald Trump is a coward? Afraid of getting his ass kicked? Afraid to face the consequences of his tax forms? Always blaming other people for his deficiencies?
God, what a loser.
The key factor in understanding the true breadth and depth of the GOP Clinton Conspiracy Theory.
Just a hint, if you want better service you might want to subscribe to the site, so they have some money to improve. I only came back to the site a few months ago, and it has taken that long for me to get over JM, who used to sneer at Clinton and run Trump stories twice a day when he was doing his birther routine.
I am generally a pessimist–very far from over-confident in this case. But with the DNC and Trump’s crazy stuff about Russia I think the tide has truly turned. It’s hard for us political junkies to believe but a substantial percentage of the population has barely been paying attention to this election up to this point. Now their distracted minds are starting to tune in just a little bit and they are finding they do NOT like Trump.
Honestly I think Trump is going to lose big. Obviously we can’t be complacent, etc.,etc. But still.
I always wondered why Dubya’s team insisted on no cameras behind the candidates for that debate…
Never had read it, but I’ve just found a lengthy excerpt from it, and it seems really wonderful. It’s #64 on Amazon’s list of 100 best sellers. Funny, I was planning on heading to a bookstore today, may have to make my way to children’s books.
“After years of working in the Ukraine for Paul [Manaford] and others, it was surprising to run into Phil working at the convention,” one said.
Just a graph or so in and already juicy…
This jives with Sam Wang’s model. Clinton 320 ev, Trump 218 ev.
Here is the Slate article re RABA:
“Honestly I think Trump is going to lose big.”
Thats why everyday you turn around the race is neck and neck thanks to the MSM,they need to keep this thing going ,after the debates it will be come even more clearer,and that’s what they(MSM) are fearing.
Also explains how a dumb gurl managed to make money in the futures market for a while as well. She was just testing it out, even then.
I’m starting to see even the biggest purveyors of Beltway conventional wisdom beginning to acknowledge that the map may be drastically different than previously thought. GA, MO, IN, and even AZ and UT might actually be in play. Hell, last I saw she’s only down five or six in KY.
The fact that she is even one point ahead in Missouri speaks volumes.
Wow! Trump is surprised by the “rigged” debate schedule!?! The schedule was announced on September 23, 2015 will before the first primary! Boy, the Commission on Presidential debates must have used a highly accurate crystal ball to make sure the schedule would screw with Trump’s personal schedule…it’s like they knew that the GOP candidate would need excuses to opt out of debating Clinton!
I see Nate Silver is giving his opinion on RABA as being new to the game,here’s that same Nate Silver day before yesterday,your thoughts.
Election Update: Why Our Model Is Bullish On Trump, For Now
By Nate Silver
Filed under 2016 Election"
TPMisms are invading the best of us.
My takeaway is that Trump can’t even negotiate an acceptable debate schedule.