In all seriousness, I have been wondering outloud why neither party ever apparently planned for the possibility that someone truly insane might be nominated as a candidate. The only way to deal with it without going outside of procedure that is in place, is the super delegate system. I really wish the DNC had not mollified Bernie by getting rid of half of them.
I don’t think that was well thought out at all. I hope we reinstate them. There has to be some kind of bulwark between the party who nominates a person and the entire rest of the country and government so that if we nominated someone this nuts by mistake, we could do something to stop it.
The SNL line during the '88 debate where the Dukakis character says “I can’t believe I am losing to this guy” would be different after the first Trump-Hillary debate. It would be “I can’t believe I am only 20 points up on this guy”.
On the other hand, the expectations for Trump are so low, if he just shows up and drools for two hours he will have met them in many eyes.
The same way DWS rigged the debate schedule against Bernie before anybody knew he was running! Except this time, using her nefarious time-space continuum warping power to extend her evil sway outside the DNC and into the independent debate commission! It’s all perfectly obvious. Rigged! Riggidy riggidey rigged riggery! Wait, was that too many syllables?
A little off-topic, but does anyone know anything about the poll outfit “RABA”? Their latest poll has Hillary up 15 points! If you check TPM poll-tracker you will see that Trump’s support has fallen through the floor–down to 35 percent. I think in Trump’s words that something is going on here (and I like it).
It was as if some Uncle Sam-like overlord, media CEO or pharmacist with truckloads of Rehnquist’s Placidyl realizing this flagrant cheating could wreck the system blurred our minds…And it seems to be happening again with the regular muting of Trump’s almost daily high crime or misdemeanor.
Donald Trump and Russia: a web that grows more tangled all the time
Frank Mermoud, a key figure at the recent Republican convention, has strong business ties with Ukraine, to which others in Trump’s orbit have been linked as questions grow over the candidate’s interests in Russia and view of its president
We all must take a few minutes to read that interview and take Tony Schwartz’s words to heart. He may be the only man in the world to have come to know trump so well. What he tells us about trump’s behavior is as close to a diagnosis of the pathology he suffers from as we’ll ever learn. So, great revealing story by a great investigative journalist who’s looked into the Kochs, Cheney and Halliburton and more. For those who aren’t up to speed
You know what struck me just exactly the same way? Watching him speak to that audience and tell them he wanted to hit “that little guy” so hard so hard his head would spin.
Bloomberg got to him really painfully it seems. I am thrilled that Cinnamon Hitler is terrified of “little” Bloomberg.
I would imagine that Hillary could debate him at any time, in any forum, and still clean his clock. So let him pick the days that she’ll beat him like a rented mule.