If we really want to get into the weeds on why, I’m pretty sure it all boils down to what has happened to our educational system in the last few decades. When you don’t consider a well educated citizenry worth investing in and go to great lengths to avoid having one, this is the inevitable result. Even if you’ve got booksmarts, if all they are is the ability to memorize and pass tests and don’t include critical thinking skills, then even that education is for nought.
Did anyone see the new rules segment bill maher had about Hillary? It was hilarious and I actually agree
Donald: it’s 2016. People can record whichever of the shows they don’t watch live. This has been true for about 30 years. If you’re scared to debate, just say so.
It’s time Team Clinton did an adult version of the highly successful and heavily rotated on Midwestern media ‘Go F yourselves-Kids-Shame’ anti Trump spot but focused on a few of the idiot’s most extreme and absurd ideas rather than his gutter word selection but with the focus on SHAME.
Good one. But Hillary should prepare herself for unlimited volleys of oppo research and verbal slaps. Once she accepts the challenge, she’s better be able to demonstrate that she can go toe-to-toe with this bully.
It was hilarious - I agree with that.
But that’s not her style and she won’t unless she has to. Her style is forming relationships and building bridges and I think Congress will have a much tougher time trying to obstruct her. Most of them actually like and admire her.
Plus a deregulated non public affairs mandated media and the complete erasure of early morning schools of the air that once existed before early early morning infotainment.
“I like money. I’m very greedy. I’m a greedy person. I shouldn’t tell you that, I’m a greedy – I’ve always been greedy. I love money, right?"
and numerous iterations thereof…
I can’t believe the TPM article entirely omits this and just parrots Trump’s garbage, when it is CLEAR the guy is desperately looking for excuses to get out of debating with Hillary. What have they been observing for this whole one year?
And so it begins, reasons why Trump won’t debate . His followers will parrot whatever nonsense he spouts.
ETA: I think Trump actually watched the Dem convention and is scared out of his mind at the prospect of facing HRC one on one, I think he finally realizes his inadequacies will be on display for all to see.
I admire your self-restraint in not using Ali’s more-than-obvious-especially-now colloquial term for that.
How about we put that obsolete put-down to rest? During the Democratic convention, a hell of a lot of strong, fearless, take-no-crap “old women” spoke or were spoken of quite admirably. In fact, we’re all hoping to elect an old(er) woman in November.
Can Trump accept Federal election monies and avoid the presidential debates?
Yeah, the loss of news as a public service without regard to profit has definitely had a major impact. The loss of agreed upon facts and the rise of the echo chamber.
Hillary has been accused of not having a readily-identified reason for running for President. Something about Stronger Together and Obama’s Third Term. But I think she should make this election a referendum on what kind of society we should have: one rooted in the Constitution and We The People. Just amplify on the messages delivered at the Convention, especially by both Obamas. She has an opportunity to educate the public about the civics they never learned in grammar school.
Thanks, Bernie, for inflaming the “system is rigged” meme to the point that Trump can now spread your lies with impunity.
Opening shot as to why he will not debate Hillary, more to follow.
This could have been a lovely scandal exposing shrub’s stupidity and lack of preparation but no. Too many people still wanted to have that beer with him
@bikerdad When trump loses he’ll sue for a recount (to whom exactly I don’t know but if it’s a repub body then it’s a done deal), and he will use “rigged” repeatedly. Many, many thanks to the Independent.
Not bad but nutin’ has gravitas like Rope-A-Dope.