Discussion: Trump: Clinton And Democrats Rigged The Debate Schedule!

Not to be shrill, but there’s something about this that disgusts me more than the usual 5-minute hate fodder. I think for him to suggest that football is so obviously more important to Americans than their futures is part of it, but more than that it’s this idea that there will not be carpet bombing level media saturation of the debates. Even if only 5-6 millions people watch them, the public will have every chance it wants and a million it can’t avoid to engage with whatever content comes out of it. This isn’t 1880. Not sure I’m articulating well here. Mad!


But his comments after the RNC make clear that he is not really a part of the Republican party, he ‘just shows up’. So from his perspective, the scheduling was rigged, because HE was not consulted…


With that damn NJ Governor Hillary Veep or not…Putie, earn your own guy’s money back, help this fool.


When Trump brings up those 33,000 emails at the debate, Hillary just needs to bring up Trump’s tax returns, 3500+ lawsuits, and non-disclosure agreements. And throw in a Russia joke somehow.


I just these stupid gop voters would get a damn clue…the reason why things suck for isn’t the brown people it’s the gop policies that you continue to vote for… If God forbid trumps wins 4 years from now those same damn voters are going to be angry again


Given that the broadcast contracts are based on seasonal terms, I don’t think the owners are going to care much if one or two games have low ratings as long as they’re not during sweeps month, and as long as the rest of the season does well.


…lying about the “thousands” of Muslims celebrating 911 in Jersey, lying about the Star of David “sheriff’s star”, lying about telling Putin to commit espionage, lying about this that and the other thing Hillary “rigged,” lying about his involvement in Trump University and all the bankruptcies.

It would be much easier to list the times he may have spoken truthfully, if there were any because well… pathological liars would not be pathological if they were not compulsively driven to lie.


hey watch it now don’t be talkin trash bout the SAINTS they may not be the best team but there MY not the best team…hahahahaha


Yup…The Russians are so good at using our internet…(imagine a sly old farmer sucking on a stalk of dry grass) Yup, so good.


He’s afraid of girls and women terrify him.


Number of times Trump has told the truth:

  1. I would sleep with my daughter if I could, and …
  1. … Nope, just joshin’ around, there’s no second time Trump told the truth.

[Both Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) have taken issue with debate schedules in the past. Trump planned on skipping two debates because of scheduling conflicts and because “we’ve had enough debates,” though the second debate was ultimately cancelled. Sanders took issue with Clinton’s refusal to debate in California.]

Is this some kind of fucking “equivalency”?

Look, both Sanders and Trump were born in the 20th Century. I can do that too.


Hopefully if he doesn’t show up for the debates, they just ask Hillary questions for two hours to get her message out.

Also, it seems risky for Trump to butt heads with the NFL again, given his history.


Trump cannot and must not debate Hillary…He would be hammered…and he knows that…so…let the excuses begin…Dictators and bullies are cowards at heart, and petty in spirit…


One of the things that most stood out to me in the piece about the interview with Trump’s ghostwriter was his insistence that Trump has no ability to concentrate and focus. He knows less than nothing about world affairs, government, policy, etc. His knowledge of the issues honestly makes Sarah Palin look like Hillary Clinton. Even if he had the intellectual ability to learn and study the issues, even if he had the patience and focus to do so, he simply no longer has the time.


More inoculation from a sue germ…

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On second thought, Clinton should take some notes from Mohammed Ali. When Trump throws a wild punch, Hillary should lean back and dance around him with knowledge. Keep jabbing with facts. After an hour of this, Trump will run out of insults and tire himself out. Then Hillary can lean in for the kill with a flurry of values rooted in an understanding of how our government works, as designed by the founders.


And, those who are still alive will still be angry, for reasons they can’t articulate, at the same “others” they are angry at now. They organize their lives around their anger.


Hillary: “You keep mentioning the emails. I think most Americans are a lot more interested in your tax returns. Can you tell us when your accountants in the Ukraine might release them?”


Can’t wait !

Trump will have no where to run or hide,should he be there,no more excuses.

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