Your own medicine taste kinda bitter doesn’t it?
He took it !
New: @realDonaldTrump camp on @GovHowardDean cocaine comments: “beyond the pale,” “to the gutter,” “desperate attempt to stay relevant”
— Hallie Jackson (@HallieJackson) September 28, 2016
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You know, I’ve heard Trump is a coke addict? Like, I would never say that he was a coke addict, but I have heard that said by reputable people… I’m not saying it, I’m just saying that other people are saying it…
See Donald? That’s what that feels like, ya douche…
“One more time, My Men, into the gutter !”
They still haven’t said what was with all the sniffs.
Howard remembers all the GOP pearl-clutching over his scream after the Iowa Caucuses 12 years ago. Howard doesn’t forget. Now it’s YOUR turn.
No denial that dRumpf was high on blow. That’s a tacit admission.
I don’t understand why the media is piling on Dean for raising this possibility at all. It is not an outrageous suggestion in the context of this campaign and all the wink, wink, nudge, nudge comments from the Trump campaign, He WAS sniffing.He WAS unfocused. He appeared agitated, Dean is a medical doctor. He knows the symptoms of coke sniffers better than most of us.
The real question is: should he have said anything at all. However, the comment was warranted.
Did he get it from an illegal immigrant, is the next question.
Howard, in all fairness, no blow lasts for an hour and a half. I think Donny Jr. cut some speed into the pile.
Was it Crank? You know Donald wouldn’t approach an oven unless it had dead Jews in it, so who made him the Crank?
This is just more evidence of what many people are saying. Trump said he did not have a cold or allergies but he did not say he had not used cocaine. Many people have concluded that his sniffling is the result of a cocaine addiction. I don"t know, but many are saying he is addicted to cocaine. Donald needs too come clean on his cocaine use.
It’s been harder for Donny since his buddy El Chapo went to jail.
Not sure about Howard Dean. I want to know what Harry Reid thinks:)
There might be something to this, just this morning I saw that a doctor on TV was speculating that Donald might have a coke habit. I can’t remember the doctor’s name (it might have been Dean Howard I’m not sure) but the accusation is out there anyway, it would be irresponsible not to speculate.
Big Chief Dead-Badger-on-Head knows lots of iffy people. Don King said so.
On a night where millions of Americans were able to compare and contrast the policies of both candidates
Or they would have been if one of the candidates had actually had any policies to compare.
A basket full, to be sure.