Discussion: Trump Camp Reportedly Scrubbing His RNC Speech For Plagiarism

Somehow I don’t think a mere lack of plagiarism is the gimmick they need to save this show. I think Trump has to drop trou and prove, once and forever, there’s “no problem.”


Trump’s chief speechwriter, Stephen Miller, told others on the campaign that the speech was original.

“Original” in the same sense as Aesop’s Fables and Grimms’ Fairy Tales.

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What I’ve noticed is not meandering but a kind of repetition where he wants you to know he’s not just reading the speech but also comprehends it – so he repeats and embellishes certain phrases or points. Look out for this!

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One point I find frustrating and hits a raw nerve with me is this: The press needs to point out that Melania either 1) is really inspired by Mrs. Obama and wished to express that inspiration through her own speech; or 2) really liked what she saw and decided to steal it. I think I know which one it is, but it seems to me the media and talking heads are glaringly avoiding the obvious. I don’t give a shit how embarrassing it is to the Trumps, but Mrs. Obama was aggrieved here … and it pisses me off.

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Number of times Obama had to have his speeches checked for plagiarism: zero.


You’ve got links to back up that statement, now don’t you?

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For this, they’d need to attract and hire professional staff – and the actual fact-checking would take a week, at least. No time, says the Trump Crime Family.


It’s not significant in the greater scheme of things, but I still wonder who added the rickroll to Melania Trump’s speech.

(And I’m amused by the fact that even newspapers in New Zealand have managed to cover the story.)


So now it opens with “five score and eight years ago”

More likely, each speech he’s given, since at least his time as a candidate, has been vetted and found as clean as a whistle.

In contrast with the fellow who “knows words” and “has the best words,” Barack Obama actually walks that walk.


Why did you fix it? It wasn’t wrong, y’know. Blind pigs find acorns now and then; and autocorrect creates truth once in a while.

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Probably quicker to just throw it out and start again or maybe run it through an auto-thesaurus if they make one. Here’s another idea, just let Trump speak off the top of his head(no hair jokes yet please). I doubt he remembers anything he’s said before, much less anyone else, and I know he’s never read anything, famous or otherwise.

OK now hair jokes!

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The GOP has long scrubbed their ranks for Whiteness, so a little plagiarism should be no prob.

Republican Interns…Democratic Interns…


The software probably said “original, but incoherent.”
Or just “yikes.”


Donald Trump’s campaign team is reportedly checking and rechecking
the speech he will give Thursday at the Republican National Convention
to make sure it isn’t plagiarized,

Does that mean they’ll have to delete the stuff Trump lifted from Mussolini?


If the did that, his whole speech would be:

“…And God Bless America!”

Scrub? Don’t you mean ‘polish the turd’?



You can bet on it!!