I don’t think Michelle cares all that much. She probably shook her head, face palmed and had a good laugh then went back to her business of the day.
She probably feels pretty great right now.
I don’t think Michelle cares all that much. She probably shook her head, face palmed and had a good laugh then went back to her business of the day.
She probably feels pretty great right now.
Yeah, and I’m pretty sure her funds are increasing while the horror-fest in Cleveland continues.
I saw this a couple of minutes ago and just loved the contrast!
Some of us are a little more skeptical of Trump’s claims, given everything we’ve seen from him, given his past use of aliases, given that “Meredith’s” whole online identity only came into existence yesterday, given that “her” biography is, shall we say, quite plastic (she “worked on Wall Street” according to some, but according to the NYT was a struggling dancer, and then writer–despite not having a single non-Trump publication on her resume; and a Ford Foundation scholarship for a 14 year old dance student??).
I don’t know how difficult it is to manufacture a voting card (that’s not the sort of question that would normally cross my mind). And of course I don’t claim to be certain that McIver is invented, but it seems strong skepticism should be the attitude toward any Trump claim. Wouldn’t you be more confident about her existence if she would give an interview, as we might expect under the circumstances?
Nice to know they’re doing their due diligence on this one, but, umm… shouldn’t that be good policy for all speeches?
Or you could do what I did while writing over 200 essays working on my English degree.
Don’t plagiarize, like, ever…
Were you aware of the SEC’s 2010 “pay-to-play” regulations, les? (I wasn’t.) Aside from skipping meetings with corporate donors and his general loathsomeness, this could go far in explaining Hair Drumpf’s fundraising problems.
Doctoring election related documents is easy! That’s why those people need to show eleventeen forms of ID before we’ll let them in the polling booth. Fraud is as common as popcorn at the carnival, dontcha know?
This is one thing I look for and really notice between political crowds R and D. Almost all white R and mixed D.
Ideas no, exact wording yes.
Yesterday, I’ve said that she could be a walking, talking sock puppet, because once more its 2016.
However this is the Guardian interview that has the author reportedly meeting McIver.
So let’s see: ‘sock puppet’ or the worse version of Laura Holt…
“Meredith McIver, a ghostwriter Donald Trump has used for several of his books who works for the Trump Organization, said in a statement Wednesday that she accidentally wrote the lines into the speech after Melania Trump read her some passages from Obama’s address over the phone.”
Hilarious! Let the excuses flow like mellifluous lines of poetry. McIver’s confusion is perfectly understandable. Melania wanted a speech that made her seem empathetic and socially responsible, like Michelle Obama. McIver responded by using words from Obama’s speech, plus a Rick Roll line for extra fun. Isn’t that what she wanted??
Despite this, at least one staffer reportedly downloaded plagiarism software to screen the text. The search came up empty, according to the Times.
But Trump’s speech did test positive for childish immaturity, racism, sexism, xenophobia, extreme narcissism and fascism.
Huh. I would’ve expected more about Turnberry or Trump steaks.
I’d like to remind you that this is the RNC, not DNC.
Everyone knows that Republicans and Democrats have a different vision of what America should be…
The real story here isn’t that they’re checking the speech for plagiarism - I mean, that’s normal campaign operations for any sane convention…
The real story is… they found some:
The Times reported that by early Tuesday, passages in Trump’s speech that had been inspired by outside sources had to be rewritten or attributed.
Sure, it comes up clean in the software they’ve finally decided to use now… but it didn’t as late as Tuesday morning. In other words: He was planning to plagiarize, but his wife got caught first. What the actual fuck?
That’s interesting, inversion. Thanks. It looks as if this possible crazy Trump lie may not amount to anything after all. But God knows there are all too many other ones we need to worry about.
Despite this, at least one staffer reportedly downloaded plagiarism software to screen the text. The search came up empty, according to the Times.
No ideas, no convictions, no history with the party. No wonder it came up empty.
checking and rechecking
In a surprise development, Trump has actually read the speech and answered a brief quiz about its content. Quiz results currently being scrubbed…