Discussion: Trump Camp. Fundraising Figures Building Up To Beat Sanders And Harris' Combined

Deplorable sheeple cough up the rubles for Donnie.

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If Trump is still POTUS by 2020, the election will not be in any way planned for an outcome other than a second term for Trump. Who are we kidding?

Tyrants don’t run for office
Tyrants run countries

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“Trump gave or loaned $66 million to his 2016 campaign, but has yet to spend any of his own cash for his reelection effort.”
Maybe that’s all his money.


The Trump campaign said nearly 99% of its donations were of $200 or less, with an average donation of $34.26.

Everyone here should know that this is a lie. Most of his money is coming from the likes of the DeVos’, the Mercers, etc.

The haul brings the campaign’s cash on hand to $40.8 million, an unprecedented war chest for an incumbent president this early in a campaign.

The reason it’s unprecedented is because the money isn’t going for his campaign reelection. It’s going in his pocket.


The big money won’t come in for individual D’s in big numbers until the crowd gets sorted out a bit. I have no reason to believe that the dotard’s funds have much to do with grassroots support.


No shit Sherlock. He gave a huge tax cut to the wealthy, our biggest corporations are paying ZERO taxes this year. Of course they want to keep the party going, no matter how repulsive the object of their financial affection.


There are quite a few things to worry about in relation to 2020, but Democrats running out of money isn’t one of them.


And? There are how many Dems running? 30 million isn’t shit, if you stop to consider it



Notice that his fundraising exceeds two of the Democratic candidates not the entire 20 person field. Don’t let the propaganda worry you, unless the party splits between young progressives and old centrists this campaign is going to provide massive money for the Democratic candidate.

Right now the economy is sort of being held together by the corporate tax cut. I know rich people who made more money last year and paid less tax than the year before. The deficit is going to raise its ugly head sometime in the next year. When that happens we could be in for a bumpy ride. That is when the lack of a real President is going to show.


“Democrats Raise Over Twice as Much Money as Trump in the First Quarter”

TPM, Fixed your headline for you…


The fact that Trump was elected in the first place should worry the hell out of everyone who’s depending on the DNC to help run/fund Democrats’ campaigns. The DNC doesn’t support Medicare For All, nor does it really embrace progressive/liberal agendas; it tries to be “republican lite” and get as close to the center as possible without overtly embracing conservative core policy. I think we libs/progs should be VERY worried that the DNC (and DCCC) will figure out a way to lose elections to deplorable republicans.

You are right. Money isn’t the whole story. Hillary Clinton spent twice as much money as Trump in 2016.


What percentage will Trump have to embezzle to finally become an Actual Billionaire?


He’s been collecting since he first took the oath of office. Not surprising there’s a lot there. I wonder how much of it will end up in friendly, perhaps family, pockets.


Bilking gullible people is really what he does best. He’ll certainly take as much as he can but a lot will go to cheaply made TV ads warning that although everything is perfect and getting perfecter we’re also teetering on the brink of disaster if Democrats win.


I couldn’t give an actual percentage, obviously but we can guess with certainty that some of it is. Since the “charity foundation” has been shut down, that avenue of slush money is gone. Not to mention, NY State has some outstanding lawsuits pending.


All he has to do is route it to his various companies, and then sub anything you actually want out to the obviously cheap, schlocky vendors he favors.


Seeing as his base are truly nothing more than cult followers, he might even be able to get some of them to donate their uh, skills, in service to their Leader. I’m not kidding about this.

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