did he recruit them from the bars in Atlantic City casinos or did he fly them in from Vegas because that’s where the ‘da classy ones’ come from?
From Paul Manafort’s online bio:
"Over a 40-year career as a lobbyist and political consultant,
Manafort and his firms have advised, in no particular order, a business
group tied to Ferdinand Marcos, the dictator of the Philippines; Viktor
Yanukovych, the ousted Ukranian president and Putin ally; and Lynden
Pindling, the former Bahamian prime minister who was accused of ties to drug traffickers. Now, he works for Donald Trump."
Sort of says it all, doesn’t it?
Birds of a feather…
A long-fingered pro, no doubt.
A true outsider.
But…he did have to agree to get the word “Trump” tattooed on his forehead.
Inside his left cheek. That way Drumpf can fantasize he’s coming into more money.
[quote=“caltg, post:3, topic:36060”]
Ferdinand Marcos…Viktor Yanukovych…Lynden Pindling
[/quote]The Wolf: “You’re… Donnie, right? This is your campaign?”
Donnie: “Sure is.”
The Wolf: “I’m Paul Manafort. I solve problems.”
Donnie: “Good, we got one.”
The Wolf: “So I heard. May I come in?”
Donnie: “Uh, yeah, please do.”
Lewandowski’s bully-ish persona…
Like a Mini-Trump kinda thing? Is that what the Trump campaign is, Dr. Evil running for President?
Jeebus weeps.
E.J. Dionne and a couple other brave pundit souls are saying the wheels are starting to come off the Trump machine for real now.
Not sure I get the tone of the comments. This is a smart move by Trump. This, along with the story I read on Digby today about him using superpacs shows that he has some nimbleness to him. Do I think it means he has a snowballs chance in a general? Nope! But it does give hope that the convention won’t be over after the second ballot or my first bag of popcorn.
Jeez, they have to, sometime… right?
Donald was against those pesky ‘ultimate establishment insiders’…before he was for em’! Next…hmmmm…Bring in Karl ‘The Architect’ Rover…and then it’s a sleaze party. He’s a perfect fit.
Cheezus, he’s full Oompa-Loompa in that shot.
Not to steal too lightly from “A Few Good Men,” but…
“…in places we don’t talk about at parties, we want him on that wall; we need him on that wall…”
Strategically, no matter where you fall in the H/B spectrum, Democrats could do no better than having Trump as the Republican nominee. What was the AP poll today? 69% said they’d never vote for Trump ever? And faced having to choose between casting a ballot for Trump and either Hillary or Bernie, Republicans will stay home. And the Republican brass knows it. That’s why they’re scared shitless right now.
I say: Good. And go, you Orange wrecking ball, go.
And even more so before the makeup! ~snicker!~
Waiting to see how McCruz does in NY.
Manafort was involved in the last GOP brokered convention in 1976, when he helped former President Gerald Ford edge past then-California Gov. Ronald Reagan
Reagan was not the governor of California in 1976. Jerry Brown was. Reagan left office on January 6, 1975.
“The nomination process has reached a point that requires someone familiar with the complexities involved in the final stages.”
He realized he needed a pro to tell him how the fuck it’s done? hahahahahahahaha!!!
What a maroon!