I liked his tweets better when they were lovingly hand-crafted, not out-sourced to foreign sweatshops in the Ukraine.
AKA daily Twitter-Tantrum.
You are only convincing those who are already supporting you (a minority of the population), for the rest, you are daily solidifying the perception of an impulsive, agitated, shallow usurper of the WH who is wildly striking out, because the walls are threatening to close in on you.
As your volatile former campaign manager once said: Womp Womp. Hear that - after each tweet - millions of people respond with some version of that response - or with violent eye rolls.
Anyone else notice that …
“Angry Democrat Thugs”
… is an anagram for “Help! Get me out of here!”?
next step: “Mueller’s Russia conflicted team” or something like that.
Not just Democrats—but colluding with Russia to take Trump down.
WHEN (likely never) is one of the mainstream media outlets going to label (in no uncertain terms) Trump’s daily twitter outbursts “obstruction of justice”
Pretty funny, considering that Mueller is a Republican. This is not well-played, it’s going to appeal to the 30% deplorables but not to the squishy middle, whose support, as we know, is the key to most elections.
Aw gee, trump must be projecting again. Is that true? Hafta ask Giuliani.
Must be Monday…
No, but it is an anagram for “caught danger Stormy.” Seriously, you can look it up …
“Angry Democrat Thugs”
We have thugs? Cool! I always wanted some thugs. Sounds kind of badass. I would have gone with the Teamsters circa 1978 model Thug myself rather than the 70-year-old white shoe lawyer model, but you know. Fuel efficiency standards have changed. Or something.
I still marvel at Trump’s lament regarding Manafort - look what “they’ve done to him”.
Discovered evidence of massive money laundering, not reporting millions in income, evading $ millions of dollars in taxes, loan fraud…
Collected documentary evidence of the above…
Deposed witnesses party to these events…
Put it before a Grand Jury…
Handed down how many indictments…
And the POTUS says look what “they’ve done to him”.
The obvious question to Trump or Huckabee-Sanders is, does the POTUS think these are not crimes and shouldn’t be prosecuted?
mcGahn Is a crazed RAT like John DEAN who ratteD on the PRESident When HE Wasn"T doing any Collusion, which IS A MADE up fake news CRIME. Once AGAIN it was THE LIBErals, WHo didn’t LIKE THE OUTcome of the ELEction, went after Nixon and TRUMp like they DID against the SECOND greatest PRESIDENT BEHind TRUMP, LINCOLN!!!
Twitiot cannot spell for shit. (“White House Councel.”). I would bet he could not pass a fourth grade spelling test. Moron.
It’s also an anagram for “Charged goy tantrums.” I think there are lots of goy tantrums going on in the Oval Office these days.
Think this started under Bush jr. The use of Democrat for Democratic Party. Typical Rebublican failed attempt at humor. What a bunch of crafty joksters trying to insult the Democrat Party. Hardy har har…
“Disgraced and discredited Bob Mueller…”
Ahhh…now we know we’re getting somewhere !
I dare say that’s a lead few editors will employ, ever again.
***WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump finally gave Republicans what they've spent months begging him to deliver: a pivot to presidential behavior.***
The question now is how long it lasts. Days, weeks, months — or simply until the next tweet?
Just a little more than a month into his presidency, the new president clearly wanted to use his first speech to Congress to reset the chaotic start of his administration.
Gone was the dark tone that marked his inaugural address, replaced by optimism and pleas for bipartisan support. Standing before lawmakers, Supreme Court justices and military leaders, the famously unrestrained Trump was softer, sober and practically subdued.
"I am here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength, and it is a message deeply delivered from my heart," he said, in the opening of his hour-long speech.
His administration reveled in the rave reviews on Wednesday morning.
"What the American people saw is the president I serve with every day — broad shoulders, a big heart," Vice President Mike Pence said, in an interview with NBC's "Today Show."
Footsteps, footsteps.
Hmmm. Must have lasted a whole ten minutes.