Discussion: Trump Calls For Profiling Of People ‘From That Part Of The World’ After Attacks

Let’s profile Mormons who look like a Bundy.

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Ban the whitey!!!

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I see Trump attacking America at every turn, so he certainly he needs some extreme profiling.


Even if she is right on this (and only this), which I believe she may well be, the problem is that she’s in no position to really make this point stick. Trump would slap her off like a gnat.

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If Sanders does NOT work significantly to get Millennials off the Gary “Reefer” Johnson train
If WE do not use social media to go AROUND the MSM lucre-driven ghouls

We got a problem.

For older people and racists, politics is IT. For the younger folks, not only is this NOT the case, but, because of their life experiences, they cannot see the danger that Trump presents with the urgency of older Democrats. It is inconceivable that we would be saying incredible things like…

“Hillary struggles with African Americans”

“Hillary struggles with Latinos”

When Trump will oppress both groups and embolden the racists who oppress both groups. That is because this is not 1963. Minorities in 1963 HEARD things on a daily basis that today’s Millennials can afford to be perfect-the-enemy-of-the-good about. If a teenage minority in 2016 says that “Hillary doesn’t excite me”…his/her experiences are such that he/she would not be judged as INSANE as if an African American in 1963 said, “Civil Rights don’t excite me”

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I know that it would have required the internet, but that no one asked him about this

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As far as I’m concerned, FALN (Fuerza Armadas de Liberatión Nacional Puertorriqueña) qualifies as home-grown. They are US Citizens and have the right of free entry and movement in the country.

They operated for about ten years in the mid 1970s to mid 1980s and exploded a bunch of bombs.

Thanks for the link. I really believe that Trump either has or thinks he has a Green Light from the MSM to say any FUCKING thing he wants to.

To me, THAT is 100% of the story of this election.

The fact that people are pussyfooting around this is tantamount to the Planet saying the schoolyard chant of:

“Naa na-na naaa na”

As a thirty-mile-wide asteroid hurtles toward earth amid a 100% de-funding of NASA.

The Trump IS the MSM. They make money off each other. PERIOD.

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The damage Trump would inflict on everyone of every age will be extensive. I’ll survive it. I’m white. I don’t need an abortion, don’t smoke dope, have taken care of my retirement, would be exempted from the worst of the damage he might do to safety net programs by virtue of my age. For a host of other reasons his effect on me would be muted. But for young people it will last them 50-60 years, the remainder of their days. There would be a certain perverse satisfaction in watching and listening to millennials that either voted 3rd party or didn’t vote at all, bitching about how the system didn’t offer them a viable Presidential candidate, and for their efforts Trump gets elected. About 18 months into Trump’s term the litany of negative consequences to their generation would manifest itself. Then I would have to smugly look each one in the eye and say "You. Fucking. Asked. For. It"


"we don’t want to do any profiling. If somebody looks like he’s got a massive bomb on his back, we won’t go up to that person "

This twit doesn’t even know what profiling is apparently.

Of course, what he’s referring to would be just as insane. What “looks like a massive bomb”? A full backpack? Everyone with a full backpack must be stopped and questioned? SMH

We don’t need a profiler to know that he suffers from narcissistic personality disorder, is an insecure bully and an out-of-shape 70-year old man who has an emotional age hovering around that of a six-year old boy. That, combined with his complete lack of any kind of qualifications to hold the office he seeks makes my voting decision quite easy. Never Trump; no third-party spoilers. I’m with her.

[Footnote] Being over the age of 35, a resident “within the United States” for 14 years, and a “natural born Citizen,” is the bare minimum; I want a President with the actual temperament to deal with Congress, national and foreign leaders. “The Vulgar Talking Yam” is not that person.


Let alone the fact that even in Israel, shit like profiling and fucking with voting rights is part of an accelerating trend towards neo-fascism.


Very true. Trump actually has more support among the relatively well-off upper middle class than among the poor and unemployed.
It’s all about IDENTITY Politics; US vs. THEM.
Stoked by racial fear and cultural change.

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Exactly what I was thinking!

Wow. You totally get it. This is what I have been telling people until I’m hoarse. You said it better than I could. I may print this out and tape it to me chest.

not really sure about that. However every time that I think that you might be exaggerating about that, this article suggests that you might not be wrong.

A non-vaccinated gnat, at that…


It’s not too bad. The food is great. But it’s really advisable to go with a tour group.

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people forget that the Chattanooga shooter got his guns off the internet. Whether its willing amnesia or straight out stupidity has yet to be determined.

She’s an idiot. Between her and mcenany on cnn, Harvard ain’t looking too good this year.