Discussion: Trump Calls For Profiling Of People ‘From That Part Of The World’ After Attacks

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He has not clarified how this profiling would apply to immigrants who have lived in the U.S. for years, like the suspect in the Minnesota stabbing, or U.S. citizens like Mateen.

Or those who infest Trump Tower?


I’m glad he’s back to religious and racial profiling. That’s the HO we recognize. Good boy. Here’s biscuit.


How do you adequately profile a toddler? The Somali knife wider was 2 years old when he arrived from Kenya. Of course, the infantile Trump may have insight into 2-year old tantrums.


He has not clarified how this profiling would apply to immigrants who have lived in the U.S. for years, like the suspect in the Minnesota stabbing, or U.S. citizens like Mateen.

Memo to the US media - this kind of talk is not about making the US safer or actually preventing crimes or terror. It’s about making the racist white nationalists and Christian Supremacists feel superior. Does that make sense to you? No? THEN FUCKING REPORT THAT.


The public doesn’t to facts and nuance. Somali! Knife wielder! ISLAMIC TERRORISM!!!1!!!11one!!!


You really think the media still gives a sh*t about the public?

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This isn’t new. It’s just a convenient (albeit deplorable) time for him to go over one of his platform planks.


Well since our first political bombing was done by this guy:

Should we not profile anyone who looks like him?


No one points out the fact the Somali knife wielder only had a knife instead of a gun = 8 people wounded instead of 49 people dead. Wtf.


It seems to me that the last (only?) terrorist attack that involved actual “foreigners” coming to our country to do a terrorist act was 9/11, back during the Shrub era.

Unless I’m forgetting something, everyone since has been home-grown.


Of course - it never occurs to any of the racist scum that support Rump that Muslims come in all colors. Yep, that’s right some are even White and have blue eyes. They look - ya know, normal.


White riot
How racism and immigration gave us Trump, Brexit, and a whole new kind of politics
by Zack Beauchamp on September 19, 2016
Donald Trump is not an accident.

This research finds that, contrary to what you’d expect, the “losers of globalization” aren’t the ones voting for these parties. What unites far-right politicians and their supporters, on both sides of the Atlantic, is a set of regressive attitudes toward difference. Racism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia — and not economic anxiety — are their calling cards.


I’m been saying something like that for a couple of decades. Nobody give a damn that Americans are killing Americans with guns at a rate of 30+ day. It’s all about Islamophobic hysteria and news media willing to stoke that irrational fear.


Actually, this one preceded McVeigh by a few years. And the so-called bombers were of German descent.

The Haymarket affair (also known as the Haymarket massacre or Haymarket riot) was the aftermath of a bombing that took place at a labor demonstration on Tuesday May 4, 1886, at Haymarket Square in Chicago. The riot set off a national wave of xenophobia, as scores of foreign-born radicals and labor organizers were rounded up by the police in Chicago and elsewhere. In August 1886, eight men, labeled as anarchists, were convicted in a sensational and controversial trial in which the jury was considered to be biased and no solid evidence was presented linking the defendants to the bombing. Judge Joseph E. Gary imposed the death sentence on seven of the men, and the eighth was sentenced to 15 years in prison. On November 11, 1887, four of the men were hanged.


I do believe the logic will cause my head to explode.
And it’s reported he had a security guard uniform on so we want to know why he was denied his second amendment rights


Dzhokhar Tsarnaev hardly looked like “he had a bomb strapped to his back.” And, according to a NYT article from 2013, “But by the time he entered Cambridge Rindge and Latin School in 2007, he spoke with barely a trace of an accent, blending seamlessly into a student body that was a mélange of immigrants and American-born students of all colors.”


Once again, words fail me.

Slightly off-topic, I see ol’ Rince Pubis has completely lost his marbles. Not only has he threatened future “sanctions” for those GOP candidates who refuse to endorse Don the Con but now he is also running with the lie that Hillary’s 2008 campaign started birtherism

Man, alive, I guess he’s decided “if you can’t beat 'em, join 'em” – but he has lost the last shred of whatever (haha!) credibility he had.


Of course, he is…bless his ratfkin’ heart. I’m a little perturbed at the wanted poster ‘…a US CITIZEN of Afghani descent…’ . We have more WORDS than this. It this how we are going to profile everyone?
----SYSPROG of Welsh descent

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Donald Trump on Monday called for profiling of refugees and immigrants “from that part of the world”

