Discussion: Trump Calls For NYC Attack Suspect To Face Death Penalty

Donald Trump’s reaction to terror? To make America terrified again


In addition, the death penalty is a strong deterrent for suicide bombers.


I can think of several others that should face this same fate…they congregate in DC and are traitors to America.


Such a man. What a great president and person.


Yeah, pretty much highlights the hypocrasy. It already was, but we now have calls for all sort of legislative changes that probably will not make a difference (many people are already here), but with the LV there were demands not to be too hasty.

Also, the president should not tell the judiciary what to do.


If you can kill them first!

sounds about right …


You beat me to it. I was pounded my fist against my desk at that idiotic dangerous clueless tweet.


Why not? After all, they work for him. Just as Congress does, just as the governors do. It is somewhere in the real constitution, not the fake one which the failing Supreme Court insists on reading. Sad.


I know it’s snark on your part, but there are people who actually believe your statement and it sickens me.

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No surprise there. If machine guns were completely legal and easy to buy today, how many deaths would it take to get them banned?

I know, that’s a trick question. It’s just too soon to talk about that.


When America needs leadership, we get a middle brow FOX news opinionator. The DOJ has filed charges. They sought the Death Penalty for the surviving Boston Bomber without any presidential prodding. They really dont need Donald Trump’s uninformed bloviating. The bloviating is going to create all sorts of jury taint problems. Way to go, asshole. And way to go, Jeff Sessions and Trump FBI, Trump Dept of Homeland Security. Glad to see you prioritized deporting hospitalized children and interrupting court ordered abortions, while a terrorist attack was being planned. Gotta be tough and smart. Yeah yeah.


And in other news, water is indeed still wet.

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He done talk all tuff an shit. He thinks like us! Get furners outa ‘Merica! Prayer in scools! Uppity N–CLANG should know thems place! Women folk should listen to their men or get a beatin! Jail them gays! They’re destroyin’ the san…sanc…scanknatity of our third marrages! Abortions docs need a killin’…but…ya know…not ifin it’s for ma cousin when we’s slept that one time in the hay loft an it ain’t been that time a the month fer her in two months. Ya know…only then. Well, there was that time with the sheep, but it’s just a sheep, and we ate 'em anyway.


Yeah those people too, but I still have relatives that I once respected and have fond memories of that still find Trump “refreshing.” It’s sickening and sad.


Everything Trump has said about this tragedy is about him. Him looking tough. Him looking like the man and others looking weak. If anyone advising him gives a shit about this country they’ll shut him up quick. Trump’s handling this like he’s reading it off a script written by ISIS. They see it as projecting weakness by a man lost and clueless. If Trump’s inner circle can’t see this as a “probing” mission, adjust to that, they asking for more. This isn’t about Trump and no one other than a WWC asshole in Wisconsin or a dumb fuck coal miner in West Virginia is impressed with his shtick.

The death sentence is exactly what this young man wants. He’s done what he was put on earth to do and is ready for the next life. Death, the portal to that next life, the sooner the better for him. Lock this young man up and let him rot for 50 years…and make sure he knows that’s his fate. If you want to terrorize him that’s how you do it.


Unless they can try him in Federal court, he’s not going to get it. NY doesn’t have a death penalty.


That I totally agree with this too.


Trump needs stories like this one to distract folks from the Mueller investigation and the damage he and the GOP want to inflict on this country. He’s getting more desperate by the day.


Yet, another conservative who is Pro-Life.