What a lying, heartless, cruel asshole.
Time for a true experimental design. We give one group of elderly food. The other gets nothing. After two years, we check to see which blood sucking elderly have depleted Social Security the most.
Oh… so it’s the sick and the starving that are going to build the wall. Glad we cleared that up.
Jesus, guys, just kill all the poor old people and get it over with.
They’re handing the Democrats a gold plated bludgeon on a silver platter.
Please proceed, Republicans…
Hey, asshole - Do you know what costs money? Putting the otherwise independent elderly into nursing homes when all they need is a few meals and human contact.
Just to get this straight – for Republicans, the only federal program that has shown positive results is tax cuts to the wealthy. Got it.
“We deemed it to be a underperforming revenue center in the Trump portfolio. Good business practice dictates that we shed assets with negative cash flow. As part of this program we are investigating whether there are any buyers for the State of Mississippi”
If only they expected such clear cut positive results from our bloated military spending. Killing people…great stuff. Leaving hungrey elderly people with no food…a step too far. F’ing heartless lizard people.
can this asshat show me the results from Bush’s Iraq fiasco
I guess it does not count at a result that old, frail people get to stay in their homes and get a couple of warm meals a day that they often would not be able to manage on their own.
Yeah, old people living longer because they get food is not results. We need to get rid of the old and weak. And the disabled, because they don’t produce results either. Same with the black and brown people. Oh, and the homosexuals, gypsies, and of course… well, you know who.
Apologies for going full Godwin, but this crap just pisses me off.
Group 2’s health care costs rise for a short period then drop off dramatically for an overall savings…
In which we see that the people at the helm of the nation are bat-shit crazy…
Cut the damn wall; we already know it won’t show any results.
I think we’re done here. Done as a nation. Done as a people. If we as a nation can’t even agree that Meals on Wheels is a good and necessary program, run mostly by good and kindly little old ladies out of their church basements, If we can’t come to an agreement on something as innocuous, decent, and simple as Meals on Wheels. Stick in a fork in this grand American experiment. We’re done.
When people show you who they are, believe them.
This is going to be the most well protected shithole on earth by the time Trump’s done with us, if this budget is any indication.