A good lawyer also tells his client to shut up.
There’s an old saying that a man who represents himself has a fool for a lawyer… Don, would be much smarter to just stop tweeting.
Not that we mind watching the slow-motion car wreck, but…
“strongly stated”
His language is a very funny (or big!) compulsion. He cannot escape it in any context.
Pleading guilty to things that aren’t even crimes, ,that’s um…curious.
Another obvious falsehood… how surprising
I know I am running on a coffee deficit this early, but wtf does this even mean “As a lawyer, Michael has great liability to me!”
“…has a great liability to me”; that reads as a threat, but I could be wrong.
I’m pretty sure that means that Cohen was supposed to do the dirty deeds without getting caught.
So he pled guilty to more crimes (that weren’t even crimes apparently) to get an even lower sentence. Makes as much sense as anything this guy says.
Hey Donnie, there’s a place where you can find all sorts of people blathering on about how innocent they are. That place is called PRISON.
Remember the line from Shawshank Redemption? “Didn’t do it…lawyer fucked me”
And the day is still very young and Mr. { } has a lot of time on his hands.
Every so often I pause and ponder just how monumentally enormous a mess this idiot has created with a stupid cell phone … it is really insane. If the world survives this , The history books will harshly portray Trump as a mentally unstable charismatic figure.
What is very scary is that this is not nearly over yet … and like most psychopaths, he will remain sneaky, outrageous and recklessly destructive to the very end.
Fat Nixon doesn’t start work until 11.
What a grinder!
Despite that many campaign finance lawyers have strongly… …stated that I did nothing wrong with respect to campaign finance laws…
Is there even one lawyer NOT on Fox News that says this? The fact that both Cohen and AMI explicitly said the payments are for the campaign tell me that the SC’s Office thinks that you did do something wrong.
Judge Napolitano is on Fox News, and he’s been saying for days Trump is effed five ways to Sunday.
It’s like when Mrs Von Holst texts me, before she leaves for home,and asks if I’ve vacuumed. And I say, “Of course, I have.” And then, I rush to the utility closet and grab the Dyson.
Trump is the kind of client that opposing counsel loves best. Can’t shut up, can’t stop fucking up his own case.