I think with household chores you get done in time it’s a legal gray area. In either case, getting caught is the key thing to avoid.
I wonder how many people Jim Jones is going to take with him?
Nearly every day I think about 538’s 2/2017 brainstorming article, 14 Versions Of Trump’s Presidency, From #MAGA To Impeachment, which described its premise as
The goal is not necessarily to assess the relative likelihood of each scenario so much as to keep an open mind so you’re not so surprised when events don’t develop quite as you’d expected.
5. Trump cedes authority. I rarely see this possibility discussed, but it has several historical precedents among presidents who found the job mentally or physically overwhelming. The key aspect is that within a year or two, Trump would have effectively relinquished day-to-day control of the government to Vice President Mike Pence and to his Cabinet, instead focusing on the more ceremonial aspects of the presidency and perhaps exploiting it for personal enrichment. There are several variations on this scenario, which range from Trump being surprisingly popular as a sort of celebrity-in-chief to Trump largely withdrawing from the public spotlight.
1 / Craven lies in stupid tweets for ignorant rubes. It must be Thursday.
2 / Cohen’s tapes will be more persuasive than Trump’s denials.
3 / Please notice that Trump says nothing about Pecker and Weisselberg’s connivance in these schemes. They copped to doing bad things…and they know a lot more about other schemes. Don’t want to upset them.
Those charges were just agreed to by him in order to embarrass the president and get a much reduced prison sentence,
Let me get this straight. Cohen agreed to plead guilty to non-criminal charges and spend three years in prison in order to…
“embarrass the president”
Heck, he was already operating like this last February, although it isn’t to Pence that he ceded authority. His little Koch brothers elves are taking care of the government.
Not a bad strategy when your target audience is probably pushing 200 million people.
200 million? Where did you get that number?
Ass if you didn’t know.
“including the fact that his family was temporarily let off the hook.”
…I’ll be darned if that doesn’t sound like an implied threat to talk about some dirt that he has on them…
Sounds like a great article but at this point you could argue he never took authority in the first place in the way normal presidents do. Too lazy, too mired in his fantasy world. All the practical work and direction of a presidency was done by others. If there was an option where his legal jeopardy consumes his presidency, that’s the one we ended up with. Simply withdrawing was never really possible, given the crap he’s pulled and the investigations that were already under way. His world was doomed at the point he became a viable candidate.
I never directed Michael Cohen to break the law.
Ha ha ha ha ha. I’m guessing Cohen spent every day working for you trying to figure how to cover all your illegal activities. Becoming president just brought it all to light because before no one really gave a shit about you. And most of us figured anyone you were screwing before were just too dumb to worry about.
Jesus fuck, is Sarah Palin writing his tweets?
There are 300 million people in the nation. I’d bet my house barely 5% of the populace has read a nonfiction book cover to cover in the last year. They get their news either from Fox or the local outlets. They can’t perform basic math, and read at a 4th grade level. Their advanced reasoning skills are poor. Their daily vocabulary encompasses about 500 words at best. Shown a map of the world they’d be fortunate to accurately identify the name and placement of 10 nations. Their grasp of history is faulty, and is almost entirely limited to events since last Tuesday. Asked to tell you the decade any major war the U.S has fought in since our independence they’d bat about .125. Most cannot name any member of the Senate or House from their state. They couldn’t tell you the name of the mayor of their city. They couldn’t identify the three branches of government, or name more than a couple Justices on SCOTUS. They’re functionally illiterate, dumb as a rock, veritable idiots.
You actually want to dispute that? Sheesh…
They know where to buy cigarettes, the location of their favorite bar, how to get to work, and how to turn on the televison. That’s about it.
I was a teen during the Nixon years and I remember a friend’s mom dismissing him in Watergate’s later stages: “Sure, the madam’s a virgin.” That’s the argument Trump will be making. Usually not a very strong argument. The world just doesn’t work that way.
Fat Nixon’s tweets (if he wrote them) prove a truism in American politics: If you have to explain, you’re losing.
Yes. I do. It’s okay to be cynical, but it’s counterproductive to let it completely dictate your thinking, to think that it’s not a question of a glass being half full or half empty. That darn glass doesn’t have a drop of water in it.
Heckuva way to live.
Not true by a long shot. Look at the number of total votes he got. Approx 62.9 million (3 million fewer than HRC, of course)
And certainly many of those voters have fallen away since, due to his depredations, incompetence, and deceits. What he has left is his base.
I never directed Michael Cohen to break the law.
And Gotti never directed Sammy the Bull to “break the law,” either.
He just told him to kill people.
Living with a realistic appreciation of how things actually are is not a character defect. In my daily travels, attempting to accomplish almost anything requiring I interact with the public, I’m left wondering how the hell the person I just dealt with managed to leave the house without setting it afire, killing the neighbor’s dog, running over a fire hydrant and cutting themselves with a butter knife. Nothing is ever done correctly on the first attempt. No one accurately and fully answers any damned question you pose. It’s a continuous loop of blank stares, shrugged shoulders and mangled miscommunications.