Discussion: Trump Brags About Classified Syrian Battle At Manhattan Fundraiser

Nothing is off limits for him, granted mostly due to how fucking stupid he is.

What you folks miss is that when a president resigns in disgrace it’s not like the new vice president and their party can set about governing like normal. It’s not a mandate, right? They’ll barely have the power to name a post office. Trump is fucking insane, do you understand? And for God’s sake don’t tell me fundies are magical thinkers and it’s all the same. I have a very hard time pretending to respect this attitude. Trump is insane and could kill us all in a way that Pence is not. Please stop failing to grasp this.


They both are insane, and why does anyone think that whether or not they have or believe they have a mandate will stop them from shaping the world in their own, theocratic image? Trump has been able to do plenty of bad shit, aided and abetted by the Republican’t Party. And all of the bad shit he’s done is in keeping with the Republican’t Party Standard Issue Agenda. But I believe the evidence suggests that he has been hindered by the Deplorable Factor. Imagine how much more damage Republican’ts can do with Nice Guy Jesus Scout Mike Pence as their simple-minded figurehead! Fuck naming post offices! They will just simply eliminate them by privatizing that shit on Day One! Trump is bad and Pence is worse, but either way we are fucked…

(P.S. “You folks” reads very much like “You people.” I know that you are not that way, but others may not know that.)

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Exactly. The entire classification system derives authority from Executive Order.

“doesn’t blame other presidents for not having the courage”

That’s so sweet of him. And such a nice way to say it.

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OK, I’m not seeing a lot of overlap here so I’ll simply say that the sudden conversion of this nation to a theocracy under Pence is not IMHO the likeliest scenario should he become president. What is more concerning to me is that the current occupant is widely regarded by experts to be severely mentally ill in a way that predisposes him to lash out in blind, uncontrollable rage and not to put too fine a point on it he can single-handedly call for a nuclear attack at any time. If he wants to, he can do it. That seems like a greater problem to me. Call me crazy.


He self described his radio show as “rush Limbaugh on decaf” which is a funny line but a terrible show pitch. Without the over the top ,how can he keep it going car-crash spectacle, it’s just a smug jackass telling you what to do.


It blows me away what people can’t see.

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He’s smooth, certainly. He can portray himself as a normal, reasonable person, even while saying just outrageous stuff. But I just don’t see a scenario where he bestrides the nation like a colossus, changing the structure of society and our way of life in some fundamental way.


Wow, he is even more twisted than I had imagined. I own a beekeeper’s suit and there is absolutely nothing arousing about it at all!


Pence does not command a sizable segment of voters like Trump does. Trump has a cult-like following that scares the piss outta the rest of the republicans. It’s not his money or his charm they fear - it’s his cult.

Pence has no cult. When he inherits the office, he will be powerless. The entire Trump administration will be under indictment. A large number of republicans will be trying to explain why their campaigns accepted foreign money. The evangelicals, rabid Trumpers one and all, will slither away to lick their wounds. All of Trump’s cult will slink back into the shadows once Mueller shows the evidence.

When the shit goes down, Pence will too.


I am happy that the American military is finally taking on Russia in the battle field. However, it appears that we are fighting a proxy war on behalf of the wahabbi sunnis in the centuries old barbaric sunni-shia jihad because the Saudis and Emiratis bribed Preshitident Trump and his family.

The Russians have attacked our democracy and national security by rigging our election and installing a soviet era puppet. They have also attacked civilians in England, our closest NATO ally, with deadly chemical weapons and are committing genocide in the Ukraine. I wish that that we were taking military action based on our principles and values directly.

$50k is nothing for them. In fact, it was the least they could do in return for the tax cuts they received from the Republican Chambers of Congress.

It might actually be a good thing prez Full Diaper doesn’t read his morning intelligence brief- we may keep a few more secrets from China and Russia that way.

Become a Precinct Committee Officer, sometimes it’s a Ward officer. Meet your neighbors and get out the vote. Find good citizens willing to run for office.

Run for School Board. Make sure Civics is being properly taught. Think a majority of America knows how government works? Just 26% of eligible voters in America voted for Trump, and half of all voters stayed home last November. HALF! Today’s 12-year olds will be voting for President in 6 years. Make sure they’re prepared.

Run for Mayor, City Council, County Commissioner, Borough Assembly. And get on your Planning Commission.

Run for State Legislature or Congress. The next census is in 2020 when we’ll redraw Congressional Districts. Make them fair and open. Trump is ALREADY trying to rig the census- talk about ‘voter fraud’!

Register people to vote. If you need to help people overcome the GOP-led voter-run-around campaign help them do that. This site, https://www.aauw.org/resource/organize-a-voter-registration-drive/, has a how-to on organizing a voter registration drive. Or even sitting outside Wal Mart with a folding chair and a card table. Yes, that’s the American Association of University Women. And while we’re here organize a League of Women Voters chapter in your community if you don’t already have one. Fair, honest and above board. Democracy functions better with them involved.

Civics, civility and civilization all share the same roots. Get crackin’!

Absolutely, he hasn’t the political mojo, he brings nothing that would impel large parts of the electorate to back him with any fervor. The evangelical right is a shrinking coalition and not sufficient by itself to win the White House anymore.

Trump succeeds politically by doing the exact opposite of politics, but he’s a one-off, once we are rid of him we won’t see his like rise to power again for a very long time, I feel certain; he’s the object lesson that will prevent a recurrence, the wake-up call for the US electorate, as it were.

As I said, Pence has institutional knowledge from actually governing, know-how that Trump lacks completely and said lack hamstrings his efforts at every turn; as his administration has been so aptly described, it’s “malevolence tempered by incompetence”. Pence knows the Constitutional structure and restraints, knows how to work the levers and back-channels and build coalitions to accomplish his agenda, and can put on a great game-face when needed, as we saw in the VP debates. But his utter lack of any personally appealing traits will tie his hands if he tries to work a radical agenda.

Plus, bottom line, if he ends up Prez, it will most likely be the result of the D’s taking the house and either the Senate as well, or convincing enough Senate R’s it would be in their own best interest to vote Trump out, or convince Trump he is leaving so he resigns, so a Pence presidency will be a powerless one by definition.

My prediction for awhile now has been that if D’s take the House, as soon as articles of impeachment are referred to committees Trump will whine, project culpability onto everyone else around him, and resign.

The only scenario I can see where Pence has power enough to pose a threat would be if Trump resigns first and leaves Pence with R majorities.


And yet, he couldn’t do that in Indiana.


Wow! It is my opinion that you couldn’t have misread this any more than you did!

  1. Trump’s “cult” is the Republican’t Party. It existed before Trump; it will exist after Trump.
  2. Pence is a member of the Republican’t Party. See 1 above.
  3. It doesn’t matter who inherits the office if he is a Republican’t. Mitch McConnell and his billionaire puppet masters will continue pushing their agenda no matter who is playing the role of figurehead.
  4. You forget that Republican’ts don’t do explanations, they do deflections. It will quickly morph into, “But Hillary!” or “But Al Gore!” And then the “media” will drop it.
  5. Evangelicals embraced Trump precisely because of Pence. It was a wholly transactional, “means-to-an-end” proposition. They will cream their jeans the second Trump somehow find himself out of office and Pence ascends. It will be a sign to them that the End Times have begun and The Rapture is right around the corner. (This is why I believe Pence to be the more dangerous of the two, for he and his evangelical base believe that nuclear war in the Middle East is the key to triggering The Rapture.)
  6. Since when do Republican’ts give two flying monkey shites about evidence???
  7. I hate to break it to you, but Mueller is not some Deus ex Machina, descending from the heavens to save us from ourselves. His investigation timetable will not necessarily conform the the electoral schedule demands of Democrats. As for impeachment, even if Democrats do not once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and take control of both the House and the Senate (they won’t), they will still not have enough votes in the Senate to convict Trump were the House to issue articles of impeachment. And watch for Nancy Pelosi to once again take impeachment off the table if she’s given the chance. (Yes, she will make the same “mistake” twice, in service to the Empire.) Our only hope to remove Trump is at the ballot box, and that will only happen if the Dems stop whinging about the electoral college (something “the black guy” won two landslide victories in), stop blaming everyone but themselves for the last campaign’s fiasco and nominate a candidate who can turn out voters in great enough numbers to overcome Republican’t voter suppression and win in all of the key electoral college states (by playing the game according to the rules that exist, not the ones you wished existed.)

Wow. So for $50,000 you too can learn classified information regarding military operations and state secrets firsthand? Amazing what money can buy these days, and how foolish this moron is with our national security. Foreign policy secrets sold to the highest bidder…just an extension of what he’s been doing for Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, and UAE from the looks of it.

Just when is it Republicans will show even a hint at outrage towards this behavior? In no time at all, this orange fuck will leave our entire country defenseless and the entire GOP will have no one to blame but themselves. This money for tRump’s campaign is a sellout to the country and the RNC is as corrupt as tRump is now.

There’s some wishful thinking.

The money will go to Donald’s favorite charity – himself.

I think you are misreading the tea leaves here. Yes the Republican Party existed before Trump, but Trump used the party apparatus to capture the party and his rise is fundamentally changing its makeup. He “activated” a following of disaffected voters who generally sat out because neither side was “like them.” Trump inspired them to vote for him and they are now his diehard supporters.

Meanwhile, his vulgarity and antics have turned off a lot of the original bloc of Republicans and they have increasingly turned into “independents,” abandoning the party. If Trump went away, maybe they would come back, but a lot of bridges have been pretty badly burned on that front with the leaderships’ continued tacit approval of Trump. It’s quite possible they have lost a significant chunk who are not coming back.

In any case, Trump is really just exposing the rot that’s been at the heart of the party for a long time now. They’ve been grooming the remaining parts of their base to adopt a “Trump” as their leader for decades. They just didn’t expect Trump to be that “Trump.” By denigrating education and culture for decades, constantly invoking the “Lost People” of the Heartland as this mythical group of people that have been abandoned by everyone, they set the stage for Trump to co-opt their message and steal their supporters. Now that they’ve tasted Trump’s brand of “Republican,” it’s likely much of the base is not going back.

We can see the party fracturing before our eyes. The Republicans made a Faustian bargain a long time ago to bring the fundies and the “deplorables” and the Birchers together in an unholy amalgamation that could not survive in perpetuity and now it’s starting to collapse. I don’t see them putting it back together again. Something resembling part of the Republican Party of yesteryear might survive, but it’s going to be severely damaged post-Trump, whatever its makeup at that time.

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