Discussion: Trump Bashes Media, Defends C'Ville Response In Lengthy Phoenix Rally


This must be the “Presidential Pivot” I keep hearing about. To tell the truth, I haven’t seen any leader look so statesman-like since Idi Amin Dada.


Idi Amin was famously characterized by British Intelligence as being so stupid you needed to communicate with him in “words of one letter”.
With Trump it’s one thumb.


The Twitter responses to the greatest speech in the history of the Weimar Republic have been, as totally expected, delightfully delicious. This is my favorite, concerning CNN’s Don Lemon’s absolute excoriation of Trump:

Someone also mentioned she was watching Trump giving his speech on CNN as Trump said CNN hated him so much they cut off his speech and wasn’t broadcasting it. Really. He said that.
It’s like an animated Salvador Dali painting.


Trump only understands two languages: Griftese and Crayonese.


Peeps, I could really use some advice on this question:
Is it now OK to stop reaching out to the racist, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, Nazi-loving, homophobic, misogynist, Rascal-riding, high-cholesterol-artery-hardening, box-o’-rocks stupid, Alex Jones-listening, Breitbart-reading, FoxNews-watching, Ted Nugent-headbanging, against-their-own-self-interests-voting, Depends-wearing, “But Her Emails!”-screaming Donald Trump supporters now?
I was told we needed to feel sorry for the plight of these “poor, misunderstood, oppressed white working class” folks by a number of politicians and pundits. I won’t mention any names, BUT YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, MOTHERFUCKERS!




Thanx! You’re a doll!


Glad to help. :smile: I do remember the first few weeks when people who use their empathy as a weapon of superiority against the rest of us were scolding us about how we’d never succeed again in any project or have anything good happen if we weren’t more empathetic toward those loser slobs. You don’t hear it so much anymore FOR SOME REASON.


Man-oh-man, that was s’more crazy shit by the orange asshole last night. Nothing quite captures the dyspeptic nonsense and over-the-top peevishness of an empty suit standing before a small crowd in Phoenix last night like this ignorant, resentful little man-baby…all in an effort to find ways to stroke his thoroughly deficient ego. The man is obsessed with expressing personal complaints about anyone he feels has wronged him. Its beyond childish. Its beyond abnormal. Its fucking pathological. How many more days must this country be challenged to tolerate such an intolerant and petulant child?


Well, Trump was certainly back on his game last night. It’s like he has to purge himself from the straight-jacketed-like requirement to be even somewhat composed, serious and (dare I say) normal in a speech like Monday’s. And, of course, the cheers and applause and airing of grievances are always needed after bad days and nights (which are pretty much every day and night that he’s not at an ego rally).


I have a crazy thought. Came to me this morning. I was thinking about McConnell and Flake and Corker and all the rest, how things seem to be coming to a head and all. We want that to happen so badly I mistrust signs it actually is. But long story short, you know, there’s no reason the Congress can’t do its plain duty and impeach this man. The GOP doesn’t want to and never will, but they may have to. They may come to decide there are worse scenarios. It could happen and if it could then it might. It’s like any baseball team might theoretically, early in the season, get it together and eventually win the Series. It’s mathematically possible.

Crazy, I know. One of those thoughts that drift through your mind.


Oh, I remember that, too. And I kept telling them, “We are talking about people who voted for Trump. Have you lost your goddamned mind?”
They knew EXACTLY what Trump was. I never believed that shit about how they were so desperate they needed a new leader to pull them out of their economic plight. If you are poor and can’t make it economically, and then vote for Republicans in the elections, you deserve to starve, you morons. It’s like an abused spouse who has 20 family members who are willing to help her leave a brutal husband, but instead she cries, “But Ma - I love him!”


Off the rails again. An American president is actually causing and feeding dissension and chaos!


The early analyses showed you were right. The lower income quintiles, either people or households under 50K I forget which, voted more for Hillary. It wasn’t economic anxiety nearly as much as people originally thought. It was the “I want my country back” crowd.


Much respect to all in this thread, esp mattinpa, and I don’t disagree, but here’s the thing: when well over 1/2 of all Republicans support his Charlottesville response, we cannot simply write them off–we have to try to peel away some who are “soft” support. The reason has jack to do with whether they’re redeemable, but rather because, unless and until Trump is understood by Senate Leadership to be so toxic, so hated by all but a brain-dead 18-22% of the full electorate, they will not act to impeach. McConnell & Ryan have to believe that their continuing support of Trump will cost them Senate (House is lost to us until we get enough Dem governors that we can rewrite gerrymandered districts).

Because when McConnell (& Ryan) believe that he’ll cost them the Senate, they will act, knowing that failing to do so will drastically increase congressional and special counsel investigations, in turn drastically increasing their own legal liability.

The international intelligence community will not save us–though it has already helped enormously; Mueller’s incredible A-team of investigators and prosecutors will not save us–though they will, I am convinced, bring down the Trump crime family. The 25th Amendment will not save us, no matter how self-evidently insane Trump becomes.

What will save us is when we work together to peel away the soft Trump support. As Claude Taylor (@TrueFactsStated) puts it on Twitter, we can’t ever persuade the insane 18% who will support him even when they see the hard evidence of his treason, RICO crimes, human trafficking, child rape–they’re hopeless. But we can get him down below 50% of GOP, down below 32-34% of full electorate. That is our job, and that means we have to ID the soft supporters who can be peeled away.

Nobody else is going to ride in and save us. We have to do it ourselves.


[quote=“rickjones, post:11, topic:61066”]
It’s like he has to purge himself from the straight-jacketed-like requirement to be even somewhat composed, serious and (dare I say) normal in a speech like Monday’s.
[/quote]Of course, what he proposed in that speech—doubling down on Afghanistan, and on the cheap—was downright idiotic and immoral.


He really needed to feed his ego after the last few weeks. Playing off the headline article on Huffpost of “American Psycho”, I’d call him American Ego.


And that’s only half the story they were (and some still are) peddling. They also want us to jettison support of POC and women (and especially women POC), in order to garner the support of Trumpers.

And all the while they are bemoaning how “forgotten” and “unrepresented” these people are; people that the media covered non stop during their wall to wall tea party coverage for years, and their non stop reporting now from “Trumpland”, of people that are actually over represented, at a time when they control SCOTUS, the House, the Senate, and the White House.

There was never any economic anxiety; these people are straight up racists or complete nihilists that want to say “fuck you” to everyone…and often times both.