Homan, who is now a Fox News contributor…
Clearly, lying for money on FOX is a better gig than lying for Trump for job insecurity, fluffing experience, and public derision. State-tv is a safer outlet than the Reality-tv WH. More willowy, empty-headed blondes, too.
What kind of an executive is not capable of hiring or firing people? Lump is such a loser.
Homan said he “didn’t think the job was structured right” and “didn’t have the proper authority.”
He wants the absolute authority to militarize the border, shoot to kill and cross into Mexico in hot pursuit.
Contradicting Trump in public? He’s failed the loyalty test. Next.
Sounds more like playing coy for the salary bump. So it is Fox Contributor versus Public service. Hmm…
“I don’t think they should create another policy position that’s not going to have an effectiveness on this border, so as of right now, I have not accepted the job, but the discussions will continue,” he added.
That’s some damn faint praise right there.
Trump and his entire administration remain grossly incompetent in every way.
Since the Border Czar won’t have the authority to order summary executions of illegal immigrants, really, what’s the point of taking it?
When you can’t even get sociopathic scumbags to work for you…
In what other administration has this even happened once, much less repeatedly? Un-fricking-believable.
Well, gee, when he declares war on Iran, I hope he’ll give the Pentagon a heads up.
Actually, I don’t.
In case any of y’all are thinking of being optimistic:
It’s a cult!
Yes, he’s not appalled by the kids in cages, the lack of a sane approach to the migrant crisis, the incompetence of the people running it now or the ones who bungle-Trumped it before, or the insanity of a Wall.
Charnel houses and lethal rules of engagement would get him hot for the job. He wants a full license before he gets behind the wheel…
Does trump even bother to talk to the person before he gives them a job they don’t want?
More incompetence. trump is 2+years into this and he still has no idea how to do the job.
I wonder if trump has ever heard of The Great Wall in China. It didn’t work either.
During a freewheeling “Fox and Friends” interview on Friday, Trump announced that Homan would serve as the border czar and be “very much involved in the border.”
However, the President seemingly forgot to inform Homan himself, who was taken aback by the announcement.
“Apparently he didn’t run that by you,” Cavuto said to Homan.
“Well look, I respect this President greatly, and I’ll never say never,” he responded.
The leading American treatise on psychopathic and sociopathic personality disorder is still Hervey Clekley’s The Mask of Sanity originally published in 1941.
This would be an appropriate title some day for the history of FOX News, and its sole mission and raison d’etre, that of holding in place the Fig Leaf of legitimacy over the increasingly incompetent and criminally sociopathic Reagan & Post Reagan Republican Party.
In the last week or so we’ve entered a zone wherein I seem to be on a continuous drip of schadenfreude.
I was just thinking it didn’t come with launch codes so why bother?
I mean, is trump’s admin really any different from Hitler’s save in degree?