Discussion: Trump Ahead By 1 Point In ABC-Washington Post Tracking Poll

This poll has shifted 12 points in ONE WEEK. I think this poll is overwhelmingly impacted by enthusiasm and people who have already voted…basically having them drop out of the polling universe. If people have already voted…are they considered “likely voters?”


The Always Be Changing poll is pure bs. 12 point swing in one week this late in the game? Come on.


Reuters/Ipsos has Clinton up by 5 this morning. Oy, this election…

Also, in that same poll, Clinton is up 13 POINTS among early voters. Those are votes already in the bank. Funny how THAT’S not also part of the reporting.


Yeah it’s hard to believe that one email story could do that. I can’t see how you could be all for HRC a week ago, and then ignore everything about him because of Comey’s misadventure.




Maybe we should take a poll … See if ABC’s ratings go up —


So the only poll that is accurate is the one that shows the result you like?

The Reuters poll is crap. It has Trump losing with men by a wider margin than he does with women. That alone should disqualify this poll for stupity.


No, a 12 point shift in a week doesn’t pass the “sniff test”.


Ummmm … Ipsos has an A- rating according to 538. Seems like a solid poll to me.


Particularly a 12 point shift in a tracking poll when half the data were collected prior to the event that is supposed to have triggered said shift.

@justamarine All polls have issues. Trust the aggregates more than the individual poll results.


color me skeptical… I can’t imagine this as anything but an outlier because it contradicts nearly every other poll…

on the other hand I stopped answering the phone from out of state or unknown phone numbers weeks ago because I voted weeks ago… four years ago we answered a lot of phone calls from pollsters…

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Where’s my xanax?


Would somebody break open the Russian-Connection story for fuck’s sake? It’s. Just. Sitting. There.


Combined with the front page news about his tax issue p, this might not be a good week for HO.


No kidding because she was never up by 12%. What I find hilarious is how liberals were claiming the this poll was the most accurate in 2012 when Trump was up in the TIPP poll but now these media polls have aligned with TIPP, Rasmussen, LA Times etc…

I believe people like you were claiming the opposite that those polls would “fix” themselves to align with ABC, Reuters etc…

Can someone tell me as to why TPM’s Poll Tracker has Hillary at 264 EV? Then I go to look to see that Colorado is now in the tossup column, despite the fact that every other poll aggregator has Colorado in Clinton’s camp. I then go an look, and I see why: the Remington poll. Has Clinton up by only 1-point.

When you take out the Remington poll, for only the month of October, Clinton is averaging +6 for Colorado. So why is Poll Tracker giving the Remington Poll — which everyone knows by now is a bogus GOP-devoted poll, so much weight? Both Nate Silver’s 538 and PEC, while includes said poll, yet recognizes it for the dog poll that it is (Nate Silver in diplomatic fashion would describe said poll as having a “very strong GOP house effect” — paraphrasing). Bottomline is, they do not allow Remington to move the needle towards Trump, which is what it is intended.

Every poll by Remington especially in Florida and Nevada, has had Trump ahead, even when all other had Clinton ahead. That there was the dead giveaway. Remington is more shameless and non-credible than Rasmussen.


Come on. Everyone here knows we vote state by state. www.electoral-vote.com


A shift of 12 in a week is fishy.

The key here is this poll supposedly was done over the last week… the email story broke on friday… How the hell could it have such a dramatic effect on less than 3 days of polling?

And no, no one thinks the Rasmussen “Romney 12 points ahead on Nov. 7th” Poll would ever show a democratic candidate winning.


You should trust the aggregate over one poll and the aggregate is moving towards Rasmussen, TIPP, LA Times and not the other way.

The trend line was in Trump’s favor prior to Friday and it isn’t going to reverse itself.

It may not be enough to flip the key states he needs but it certainly is not going to be the landslide the entire MSM was predicting at the start of last week.