Discussion: Trump Adviser: Candidate Will Soften His Stance On Muslim Ban

Like a comment I saw on NYT (paraphrasing): “Trump is the most unqualified candidate in the history of this country [that’s a direct quote] but his dismissal of political correctness and the culture of victimization is such a positive that I’m going to vote for him anyway.”

What are you going to do?


Don’t believe Trump. Believe Manafort.

These guys think the public is unendingly stupid.


someone should see if Cuban has changed his mind yet…probably not.

Let’s throw this out there: does any of the Trump voters remind you of the contestants in past Jaywalking segments?

Its 2016. In a normal cycle, these types of ideas would clearly be D.O.A… However Les Mooneves and Lorne Michaels (and others) have made this about a ‘ratings equal capitol’ cycle, so get ready for more crazy ideas to fly from that camp.

Likely before Cleveland.


and that’s why folks who should know better are voting for him.

I have NEVER seen in my lifetime an individual–politician or not, private citizen or not–who loathes the American people as a whole more than Donald Trump. There are so many levels of disrespect shown in that Manafort statement that I am beginning to believe that both the MSM and the GOP are far far more depraved than I originally thought. And I did not think THAT was possible.

To Trump, the American people are akin to Gil Favor and Rowdy Yates’ herd in “Rawhide”…but Gil and Rowdy gave their cows more respect–even as they were leading them to the slaughter.


Voting for Trump is pretty much like a middle schooler throwing an egg at the mean teacher’s house. “Fuck yeah!”

I’m starting to get depressed.


Yes what better way to tap the anger of baggers who’re tired of being taken for granted and lied to by over promising, under delivering establishment Republicans, than to lie to their faces and tell them it wasn’t really a promise, taking for granted that they either won’t notice or will think they’re cleverly in on the con.


Especially when the middle schooler is the teacher’s son.


he will continue to attempt to get to the middle. As of now, he clearly thinks that this race is winnable, likely because he sees himself as the lesser of Sanders’ two evils theory.

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This guy is the foremost PR person for human-rights abusers. He’s an absolutely amoral and depraved person who’d literally do anything he could get away with for money. So personally I feel unsoothed.


Trump Adviser: Candidate Will Soften His Stance On Muslim Ban ____ Etch a Sketch time, huh?

(translation) “…because he just needed to appeal to those stupid knuckle dragging rubes in the primary. Those rightie wingnut idiots just love that kind of Big Brother, strongman kinda’ bullshit. You know how that goes.”

Sieg heil, baby! … The new “Furor”

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Vince McMahon might come close…

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I suspected that Trump would be moving in that direction. His life is to “hire people”, let them work and so forth. The perceptions he has of the American people are mind-blowing.

“He’s already started moderating on that,” Manafort said. “He operates by starting the conversation at the outer edges and then brings it back towards the middle. Within his comfort zone, he’ll soften it some more.”

“He’ll still end up outside of the norm, but in line with what the American people are thinking," he added.

One should test that theory. Let’s ask if the American public is keen on an outright Muslim ban. Expand the net (more than 2,500 callers) and see where it goes from there. Democrats, Republicans and Independents though.

Now this idea could be the epitome of a cluster. However if it forces him to go further back from his previous position, then let the fun begin.

This is basically an American referendum. Setting aside that Trump is planning a “Putsch”, Trump is counting on some MSM, some GOP structure and a shitload of the types of people he is animating in his rallies.

This would be a great time to check on just WHO is planning on voting in November…and how many.

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Does anyone know if Trump is really ahead with white women?


So Trump wants to be Glinda the Good Witch, pull out his magic wand and go in front of every Muslim in America and utter "Are you a good Muslim or a bad one?


According to pollsters, Trump is ahead with Married Christian Republican Women…



The VP simply doesn’t have that sort of power bestowed upon him by the Constitution. The President is the Commander in Chief…he is the one who gets the daily briefings, who gets called into the Situation Room, who has to get on the phone with world leaders…not the VP.

Trump seems to think that being President is going to be a part time job, that afterwards he gets to go back to doing reality TV shows, and running his various businesses into the ground, and just occasionally show up to talk to an adoring press corps where he can brag about how big his penis isn’t.