Discussion: Trump Accuses Obama Of Watergate-Like Scheme To Wire Tap His Phones

There’s something to what you say, but hope it unfolds sooner than later.

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That photo was released to impress upon Trumplodytes that their Furor is not a jew.


Well, it would be a small price to watch something gross we can’t unwatch, as long as PeePee goes down in flames while taking the entire GOP down with him…


Does this mean that him “outing this” (if the tapping is real) means that someone else within IC can make public information related to it because the information is no longer classified? (I’m guessing this is wishful thinking on my part)

As we all know with Trump, it’s all about projection. So the first question is whom is Trump wiretapping and is he doing it legally.

I do howver agree with the many others here that the easiest explanation is he’s paranoid and delusional.

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I think we should start placing bets on the real story: I’m going to go with Trump took lots of dirty Russian money for his investments. At the very least.


I’ve been trying since last night but unsuccessful so far

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My wife works with a Trump supporter who recently asked me why I wouldn’t have anything to do with her. I told her it was because she helped the Russians stick us with a goofball that they are positively giggly at the idea of being on the other side of the negotiation table from. She said I was being unreasonable and why wouldn’t I at least “give him a chance.”

I fired back with “For the same reason you don’t let your 11-year-old handle your credit cards. You know he’ll screw it up.”

Wish I’d had this.




Good point (and I apologize for sounding like a stern school teacher.)


You are an obsession
You’re my obsession
Who do you want me to be
To make you sleep with me
You are an obsession
You’re my obsession
Who do you want me to be
To make you sleep with me

My fantasy has turned to madness
And all my goodness
Has turned to badness
My need to possess you
Has consumed my soul
My life is trembling
I have no control

Pathetic Donald. He’s never gonna accept you.

Don’t think Pence would even try. When the shit hits the fan, Pence will be in his own CYA mode. Pardoning an act of treason would cause Pence to be impeached as well.


Really? Did you see the Trump “rallies” around the country. One entire rally was a very large woman in a chair. That was it.

Another was 8 old large men.

His followers aren’t doing shit or they already would have.


This extremely lame attempt to change the subject makes me think a big shoe is about to drop.


Teensie was there in the chair (poor chair). Her sister, Weensie, couldn’t make it because the charge on her Rascal Scooter was too low.


One of the news shows was reporting this last night: The Senate wants to talk to Christopher Steele. Now there’s a guy who has to watch his back.


It IS highly amusing to imagine the craven Ryan and McConnell et al. being taken down, however, I would suggest. And unless they start talking about a special prosecutor, it’s going to happen and they know it.


If only!!



I propose that any article about Trump’s early morning tweets show a photo of Trump in a bathrobe.

Here ya go.


Sex with a live boy, dead girl, horse, dead jackass, ??? None of these seem worse than what we are likely to find out.