Discussion: Trump Accuses Obama Of Watergate-Like Scheme To Wire Tap His Phones

That’s my fear, they’re going to keep poking the bees nest hoping one will sting.

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This is a bit off topic – but if anyone here was watching Rachel Maddow yesterday, you’ll recall a very interesting segment regarding the strange “coincidence” of the “Fertilizer King’s” private jet apparently rendezvousing with Trump numerous times during the campaign. There is speculation that “Fertilizer King” was acting as some sort of courrier for Putin. http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/russian-s-travel-examined-for-ties-to-trump-889988675966

I’ve been trying to connect to the DCReports website since seeing the segment aired and the server has been down. Overwhelmed with too much web traffic – or has it been attacked? Curious if others are also unable to access the site.


Please be true please be true…


trumpet talked about creating billions and billions of jobs, little did the desperate miners know it meant they’d have to join the military and the navy. Or look for work in funeral homes.

@the_mask i wonder if My Pants has the balls to do that. He’s never been in an your face pol, rather a sneaky signing vile bills quietly two faced creep. Unless we consider my theory which is somehow trumpet is removed with ryan’s backing, pence agrees to be placeholder, and ryan gets agreement from Rs to support in 2020.


The way a terrorist attack would solve a lot of Trump and Co.s problems, worries me the most. Probably on Putin’s Fix-it list as we speak.


At some point, these issues take a life of their own. Whatever the original aim was, to put a bridle on him or take him down- it stops mattering when everybody can see the mess. Plus he doesn’t have the sense to be discreet and change his behavior. I think too many people are chasing too many leads, for this to die down now.


or picking crops in Georgia, Alabama and Florida, after the immigrants were kicked out.


Totally predictable. When the nanny’s away, the toddler starts shrieking and painting the walls with his feces.


I’ve not been in the camp that believes Trump would not finish out his term. I think he needs the job for the following reasons: 1. He likes campaigning too much; 2. He needs the use of the office to leverage more funding for his debt financed business empire; and 3. He needs to stay out of jail. Those, to me, are existential issues for Trump, and why I don’t think he would voluntarily quit.

I’ve never, however, woken up to a situation in which a target of a secret investigation admits that he is being investigated, and admits that the FBI had enough to obtain a FISA warrant. We’re talking espionage. He outed himself and outed Comey in 1 tweet. It’s bizarre.

So how does he quit?:

  1. Adam Schiff, Chris Coons and other Dems force Comey’s hand to turn over all materials relating to Russiagate and make it public. Trump is accusing a former President of illegally spying on him, and that information is now needed by the public to validate or refute the claim.

  2. Press reports begin to describe this as a pay to play espionage scheme.

  3. GOP relents under the weight of this to open up Congressional hearings on the subject. Trump is so dumb, and Putin’s hacking so basic, that the truth comes out quite quickly confirming what most of us have known for a while.

  4. GOP is not getting anywhere with its agenda with this hanging over its head.

  5. Pence makes a move w/GOP backing to ask Trump to resign. He says F.U.

  6. They threaten to Article 25 him. Then they cut a deal w/DOJ for immunity on all matters Russia in return for cooperation in the investigation. Pence also leaves open the possibility of a pardon.

  7. Trump still says f.u. But at this point, it’s now out in the open that GOP leadership wants him to resign and Pence/Ryan/McConnell start gathering votes for impeachment, offer posts in the new administration and promotions within Congress, and start a media campaign to distance themselves from Trump.

  8. Protests on the streets compound GOP/Trump problems and Trump eventually gives in, but secures some kind of book deal to tell his tale and remain a thorn in the US’s backside.

Trump leaves. Pence is in.


I’m conflicted, because I really, really, really don’t want to know what McConnell’s dirty secrets are. GOP skeletons are always weird and nauseating.


His dream come true.

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He’s flipped his orange lid.


Somethin is wrong though:

The problem for all of us is that we are trying to make sense of what is going on from a paradigm of spy movies and novels (and not just the good ones). We have no basis on how to interpret what is going on in reality as it is both unprecedented and unpresidented. I am not sure if what we are seeing is comedy, tragedy or farce.


There’s lots of backbreaking construction projects here as well as restaurant work as dishwashers, busboys, etc.


I saw it. She is doing some really good reporting lately. Those planes on the same tarmacs on the same days in the same unlikely places, is pretty incriminating.


Remembering Fitzmas well, I was wondering if Patrick Fitzgerald is available for the gig of special counsel. Definite has the chops and then some, but went into private practice after Scooter.


“Spokespersons for both President and Mrs. Obama said the couple was unable to answer any requests for comments about President Trump’s morning Tweets due to President and Mrs. Obama rolling on the floor and laughing their asses off uncontrollably.”


Good analysis – but I think Trump will never go willingly. He’d incite his followers to armed rebellion.