Discussion: Trump: 'A Lot Of People' Feel That Black Lives Matter Is 'Inherently Racist'

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Trump said the group’s name is “divisive.”

Black is such a troubling word. Maybe n***r would be better.


“Save the whales” is so specist! What about turtles??!

Good god, there are a lot of deeply stupid idiots in America.


If all lives matter (and they do), why don’t black lives matter?


How to be as indecisive as a lukewarm washcloth: “A lot of people feel…”


“A lot of people feel that it is inherently racist.”

A lot of people feel that slaves were well-treated by their owners. A lot of people feel that black people are genetically disposed to criminality. A lot of people feel that Adam and Eve had vegetarian T-Rexes for neighbors in the Garden of Eden 5,000 years ago. A lot of people feel that evolution is a Satanic myth. A lot of people feel that aborted fetal tissue is in danger of getting into the food stream. A lot of people feel that Jade Helm was a government plot to take over Texas. A lot of people feel that vaccinations make kids autistic. A lot of people feel that the government is spraying the atmosphere with chemicals.

A lot of people are spectacularly ignorant, goggle-eyed lunatics.

A lot of people are white Republicans.


…in other news, willfully ignorant, poorly educated Drumpf supporters denounce MENSA as elitist and anti “Poorly Educated.” The mentally-compromised denizens will be forming a new group called DENSA (Drumpf Enraged Nazi Stupid A**holes).


A lot more people feel that you’re a racist, Trumpelstiltskin. And unlike your “lot of people,” we have a preponderance of evidence to back that feeling.


Trump, you and your fellow nutters stir up anti goverment paranoia (jade helm anyone?) militarized elements of these paranoid subcultures run “defense” firearms training companies. The Dallas shooter took a class from one of the groups. After being propagandized that the government is his enemy and coming after people, he sees black people getting shot by police for no reason. He then uses his training to respond as he has been told he would need to.

But BLM is racist? Trump is not just a nutter, he is part of the subculture that actively incites the violence.


Certainly, some police officers don’t feel that black lives matter. It is subtle but they handcuff them and then shoot them dead while they lay on the ground. Just sayin


Alot of people say the fire department is anti-nonburning house. When they spray water on a house that is on fire, what they are saying is “this house matters more than all the others. Houses that aren’t on fire don’t matter.”

They should be able to say “all houses matter”. MLK didn’t believe in judging a house by the amount of fire coming out of the roof.


Trump: Where is my African American when I need him?


I wondered idly yesterday how long it would be before Trump fell of the “high road” of his post Dallas press release
and reverted to his usual, nasty half whispered obscene phone call norm. I guessed 72 hours- or his first non-scripted
public comment. BINGO.


Following in the footsteps of greatness, for sure: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/society/11303585/Nigel-Farage-says-lots-of-Britons-would-use-racist-words.-Is-he-right.html

About 29 times out of 30, when Trump says “a lot of people” think a thing he means he does; he means he wishes and believes it were so. In this case yeah, you’ve heard variations of this one from the GOP for years: Any talk of a problem for a particular race is ipso facto racist. To say there’s such a thing as racism, to even talk about race at all, makes you a divisive racist yourself. This kind of crap actually does work on a lot of people, because a lot of people are easily fooled. It’s the sociological equivalent of being called by the “Windows Technical Department” or reading about how someone’s friend’s mom makes $73 an hour on the computer.


Oh Please, Trump talking about matters of race and policing is like David Duke talking about immigration policy.


Black Lives Matter is horrible, sad! But Donald would definitely date some of them, you know, if they weren’t black.


When the BLM movement began, a number of politicians said, “All lives matter.” Which was properly rejected as a means to whitewash (pun intended) the disparity in police conduct toward African-Americans. (Note that a study reported in yesterday’s Times suggests that police use of force, but not killings, are weighted against black Americans; the study may have flaws, but it’s a respectable piece of work.)

Yet the Black Lives Matter movement does have to extend beyond African Americans. If only because they constitute less than 10 percent of the population. And as we saw in Dallas, blue lives matter. And as the Washington snipers showed us, white lives matter.

So we do need to find ways for the whole community to reduce violence. Control over deadly weapons is part of it, but only part. The larger portion is in the way people think about life and relate to one another. And that will be even harder than gun control.


A lot of people do believe that BLM is racist. And many in that group are the folks who have an affinty for swastikas and Confederate flags.


I swear, I have seen and heard Trump so much over the past year, that when I read his words in this article, I can hear his tone perfectly. It’s like the TPM website is doing a spot on impersonation of him.

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