Discussion: Trump: 'A Lot Of People' Feel That Black Lives Matter Is 'Inherently Racist'

Asked specifically what he would say to African-Americans who feel targeted by police because of their race, Trump said, “We have to talk to 'em and we have to build up the spirt.”

Talking at them is not the same as talking to them.


It seems safe to say, to put it In logical terms, that Republicans do not understand how the universal quantifier works.

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It’s worth noting that Trump/GOP, because of their racism/love for whiteness, now suddenly loves the govt(cops).


Trump: All lives matter, except Blacks, Mexicans, Muslims… heck only White Lives Matter.


You know when Hair Drumpf is about to ‘suggest’ something especially vile and depraved and stupid, he will couch it with: “A lot of people feel” / “A lot of people are saying” / “I hear a lot of people” / “I’ve been told”…blah, blah, blah. And he does it because he’s too cowardly to admit that the horrid point he’s making or the racist dog whistle he’s blowing is exactly what he thinks and is targeted to his knuckle-dragging and bigoted followers.


Trump doesn’t know how to count does he. There are only so many crazy old white men in America. He has nearly all of them already. In gaining their support he has pissed of Hispanics, women, the disabled and their families, college educated white men, Muslims and now for the third or fourth time blacks. He has been flirting with pissing off Jews. Just how does this Fox News reality show get across the finish line?


Just wait till the Cleveland Conclave next week. I fully expect a couple Trumpettes to utter the “N” word. And a couple will use the “L” word when it comes to Hillary.

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Incidents. He doesn’t get it.

They were crimes, crimes that would likely have gone excused had it not been for the eyewitnesses. They may still go excused, because the Republican Party caters to white supremacists who hate law enforcement.

Trump’s base hates government and law enforcement.


Or…people are saying… or I heard it on the news …I saw it on twitter
Ya Trump Ya asshole yer a real populist

Answer–Voter ID laws that turn minorities, the elderly and the poor from the polls.

lack of training for officers

more like a lack of weeding out guys that do this shit and allowing the ones that do to stay in the force.

The interview followed a speech on veterans issues in which Trump declared, “I am the law and order candidate,”

Saw a couple Hillary ads last night that did a good job showing tRump answering questions about the military with flippant answers like I read stuff in newspapers and I know more about our enemies than or military folks. And Hillary on the ground where shit’s going on and working with leaders of other countries.



Wish I could like it more than once .
Sums it up succinctly


If anyone knows about being inherently racist, it’s DON the CON.


A lot of people feel the cable shows providing America’s racist Rudy Giuliani a platform are hurting race relations in America and giving Donald Drumpf stupid ideas. Isn’t it about time that Giuliani was retired. We have enough crazy old racists already.


Dear Mr. Trump,

It’s time to start talking about foreign relations, the environment, infrastructure, health care access, taxes, job growth, and all that presidential stuff. Try to do it without mentioning your golf courses. Or is that too much to ask?

The con here for Trump is aimed at Independents.

Understand here that salesmen can morph into different pitchmen. Trump has got the Krazies…now he wants the racists just waiting to legitimize him (if he talks in the right kind of code). I am really not disturbed about the abrasive, cruel and immature-sounding Trump. I am concerned about Trump giving cover for the millions of Republicans who–for years–have downplayed their affiliation with the Republican Party** Our best hope is that Trump continues to evoke what we have been saying for months:

–“He just can’t help himself”–

If he CAN learn how to “talk nice” we are in for a tussle. Too many people remain in the United States for whom Trump’s words in his speech make sense, because of their undisciplined thinking and their gullibility***

** In other words, “Independents”

*** Like the white women classed as “very conservative” who support Trump MORE than they did Romney


Mr Trump, and Rudy, both have a backwards, racist, narrative. I find it just creepy.

I think you mean “talking with them.” When some one says talking “at” I see scolding, taking “to” is disciplining, but talking “with” is trying to find answers.


Don’t even get him started on the NAACP. But the Conservative Citizens Council, there’s a nice nondivisive name.


…predicting that protests against police violence that followed last week’s slaying of five police officers in Dallas “might be just the beginning for this summer.”


I believe the protests are in response to the killing of two innocent black men by police and in different parts of the country. That might be worth pointing out.

In what way do any of these protests have anything to do with the murder of policemen in Dallas?

It’s not always about you, white people! Sad!