Discussion: 'Tremendous Victory': Trump Celebrates Kavanaugh Win

Yet another fucking tRump rally… I assume we are picking up the tab for at least a portion of these… seems like 5 or 6 in the last 10 days. I imagine by the time he is out of office tRump will have had more rallies than all the other previous presidents combined


Agree on these stupid rallys. But to me it seems they are scared, scared that the polls may be right and the republiscums may lose big time.


Just among my friends there are four women who’ve been sexually assaulted that I know of. Oh wait—no, it’s five. CDC estimates one in three. I think it remains to be seen if the entire GOP violating every norm of decent people anywhere to get that son of a bitch on the Supreme Court is going to turn out to be a great victory or a victory of any kind.


Again Trump bashes a woman, it’s time to take this MoFo down. And I don’t mean take him out of office, I mean go straight to his wallet, the one thing Trump prizes above all else-Barbara Underwood we need you now more than ever.

And when Kansas elects Kobach, I too then want a wall.


The Blue Tsunami is coming for you, asshole


I have two sisters. I know that at least one of them was sexually abused as a child (by neighborhood boys).


He said Saturday he thinks Republicans “are going to do incredibly well” in the elections after Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

“I think we have a momentum that hasn’t been seen in years,” he said.

Why? Supposedly, feral trumpers got what they wanted. OK. If that’s true, why would there be any momentum at all?


And now nearly a quarter of the Supreme Court are accused sexual abusers.


So he’s saying that mocking a sexual-assault survivor had a “great effect.”

He is an obscenity. He befouls everything he touches.



Yeah yeah yeah, you are a hero to all perverts everywhere. hoo-ray


Anyway, am I missing something, or did Trump just make his typical mess of things mocking Blasey Ford? They had to run out and do serious damage control. What put it over was the strategy of saying isn’t it a shame what happened but she just is mistaken in her mind, to use Tom Robinson’s famous phrase. How could this powerful, successful man have done such a thing? So nearly everyone took that up and they did their sham inquiry and went through the motions like mimes doing an invisible investigation and that’s what got them over.


Masterless men must take a master…


I watched the whole thing on YouTube soon after it ended. I needed the pause function so I could do some fucking yelling in the direction of every Trump voter that lives near me. He’s upping his attacks on Democrats to a whole new level. It was disgusting to listen to the pig as well as the crowd cheering every fucking thing he said, no matter how repulsive.
After that, I read this story at Mediaite about a woman who had these signs on her front lawn:

A local GOPer complained on Facebook and the police said they received many complaints. The woman said the police told her they were either going to take the sign away or arrest her.

Ann Telnaes had that elephant image published in the Washington Post about the time of the Roy Moore scandal. There’s nothing indecent about it. The Dallas Morning News has a more complete story. Link:


There is no bottom to the filth that is the Trump family and, yes, the depliorables who support him. Sure the women are worried about their men being accused of sexual assault. Of course they are. They raise their scummy guys to have no respect for women. He’s human garbage.


And yet they’re still angry, still aggrieved, still consider themselves to be the victims in all of this.
I don’t understand how you can be in charge of everything and still be victimized by the eeeevvvvuuullll Dems who have little power and can’t stop your foulness. Perhaps they feel that it’s been unfair that they have to sink as low as they do to get their agendas through. It would be more just if they could just do it and not have people point out how foul they are.


Hitler thought he was winning, too.


His Mother would have been so proud. Really


The GOP head is a Psycho.


Yes, what a tremendous fucking victory! A Republican president with a Republican Senate majority that, in the previous Democratic administration, denied to even have confirmation hearings for Merrick Garland. My, it was like a football team being down 51-10 in the last minute of the game and miraculously scoring 7 touchdowns with 3 seconds to spare. Tremendous. Like, bigly tremendous.

What really pisses me off at this moment are the useless pundits, and many useless Democrats, who are trying to pin Kavanaugh’s successful confirmation on actions of attorney Michael Avenatti. Really, assholes? They point out that Collins named Avenatti as a reason for her “yes” vote, as if Collins wouldn’t have found another reason to try to get away with her treachery against women, like “the sun rises in the east, so I have to vote for Kavanaugh” or “the sky is blue, so I have to vote for Kavanaugh” or - and this is the most craven excuse of all, which she actually used - “Judge Kavanaugh told me he considers Roe v. Wade to be settled law”, as if Boofin’ Brett gives a flying fuck about “settled law”.

The final vote was 50-48 I favor, with Murkowski voting “present” because she isn’t much better than Collins and she doesn’t have the backbone to vote a true "no’, although if Kavanaugh keeps true to his opinion of the rights of native people in this country and rules against their rights, Murkowski will, deservedly, face major problems in Alaska. GOP Senator Steve Daines didn’t vote, because he had a more important event to attend: the wedding of his daughter. And, of course, Joe Manchin, the Joe Lieberman impersonator, was the only Dem to vote “yes”, while every other Red State Dem voted “no”. If Collins had voted “no”, then Joe would have followed for political cover. He still hid behind her skirts just like the GOP hid behind Rhonda Mitchell during the hearings.

And what would have been the final senate vote if Professor Blasey Ford had not made her accusations and that satanic Mr. Avenatti had not had other accusers come forward? It would have been in favor of confirmation, with at least 50-49, or possibly 51-48 if Manchin wussed out again, since Murkowski would have happily voted in Brett’s favor, although he committed enough perjury during the hearing to get an average person like me sent to prison for about 35 years and his aforementioned distain of the rights of native Alaskans.

So if you are going to blame a lawyer for this mess, blame that despicable motherfucking White House lawyer Dan McGahn, who was not only a personal friend of Kavanaugh, he also prevented the FBI conducting a thorough investigation of the charges against Kavanaugh, resulting in a total sham.

But, despite the bluster of Trump and McConnelll, I believe women are unbelievably pissed and are going to show it. Trump and the GOP just can’t see it because they remain in their FoxNews bubble.

So keep treating women like their whores and liars, GOP. I am sure it will help you immensely in the future.