Discussion: Transition Spox Won't Say Whether Trump Still Involved In His Businesses

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“I would go ahead and let the President-elect speak for that directly,”
Except he isnt taking ANY QUESTIONS AT ALL!


He will send a tweet at 3 a.m. tomorrow morning. Stand by!


Of course he his… this line of questioning is rather stupid at this point. If there is one thing that we have learned over the course of the campaign it’s: whatever benefits Trump or his family will get prioritized over anything else. And the corollary: responding to any perceived slight will be prioritized over everything.

And like the banana republicans before him, Trump will line his own pockets at the tax payers’ expense – but in the short term will trot out some sacrificial lambs to distract the masses. His cronies know this and are willing to take the risk of being put on the chopping block just to get their snouts in the trough.


well midterms will be very interesting

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Don’t u just hate it when people ask questions they already know the answer to?

118 days since HO’s last press conference. This doesn’t seem to have made headlines though, unlike someone else’s case during the campaign.


“I would go ahead and let the President-elect speak for that directly,” he said.

Sarah Palin is rumored to be tutoring Donnie in advanced word salad for his press dealings. It's sort of like throwing Chaucer and COBOL in a blender and then throwing the whole mess at a wind fan.

“I would go ahead and let the President-elect speak for that directly,”

That sounds like a ‘Yes’ ?


EverYone knoWs abouT trump’s succeSSful business and a great Businessman who MakEs deals. LibTard PathologicaL racisT HatE of TrumP litrallY rapeS truTh.



“I would go ahead and let the President-elect speak for that directly,” he said.


I’ve checked the magic 8-ball, the Ouija board, tested the wind, rolled the bones, and I keep getting the same answer. Never.

And just because I have this song in head now…

Goddamned terrifying.


Interesting or apocalyptic?

Let him answer directly. But it has to be in an Off the Record Meeting, where you bend the knee first and encant the words Oh Exalted One. And no gotcha questions. And the tone. Mind the tone, ok. Because he won and L’etat c’est moi and all that good stuff.

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Hitler spent countless hours in his flat standing before a mirror, perfecting hand gestures and speech patterns designed specifically to enthrall and incite large gatherings of people. Several works are available that dissect his mannerisms, use of his hands, etc. If you pore over them you can actually find a great many of his methods sharing numerous commonalities with Trump.


“…the President-elect’s team is working to prepare him for office.” Never were truer words spoken (thinking of you Palin). This belies the enormous task and time deficit they have before them.

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Sean Spicer wouldn’t have choked like Jason Miller. Sad!


“Has the president-elect had any conversations with any foreign leaders about his business operations, and is he still involved in the business side of the Trump Organization?”

I’m sorry, I think someone got the quote wrong. It should read:

“Knowing that the President-elect has met with several foreign leaders, business people and representatives of financial interests since the election, when will his office release tax returns, bylaws, meeting minutes, earnings statements and other legal documents proving that he’s not using his political position to further his own financial gain?”



Come midterms, nobody can’t say 'well Obama did this or ‘Crooked Hillary’ did that, because it will be ‘sink or swim’ for him around June '17.

I told someone this yesterday, but I’m worried that there will be stories that most reporters don’t catch as opposed to the obvious ones.

Now if there isn’t any damage to the GOP machine after midterms, then that’s when I’ll really start wondering about the American voter’s intelligence.