Discussion: Town Hall Crowd Cheers Amash Discussing His Trump Impeachment Push


I don’t think so. He’s been consistent in opposing PP since the '16 primary. He was also recently reelected with 54% of the vote and faced no primary challenger. I think this is genuine and the calls for impeachment are truly based on an honest assessment of the Mueller report.


O/T but somewhat connected:


There was no corruption. There was no treason. There was no attempted coup. Those are lies, and dumb lies at that.


I don’t know, but it has been so long since I have seen an even vaguely honest Republican politician (genuinely interested in anything beyond retaining his or her own hold on power) that I am not sure what one would look like anymore. It would be like suddenly finding an Ivory Billed Woodpecker in my yard.


Exactly, it’s the only thing we can agree with him (or actually him with us) but in this time and place it is the most important thing there is.


About 16 to 20 more GOPers in the Senate would do it. Then impeachment is realistic.


He broke the ice and that gives cover to someone else whose district is iffy or changing. There will be a second and that will expand the cover provided. It’s like watching an ice shelf crack.


Oh, I hear ya. When he first came out with his tweetstorm making the case for impeachment, I assumed he must’ve barely won reelection last year or that something else HAD to have happened for him to be singing this song. I looked up his district and was amazed to discover how handily he won and that he’s been hinting at impeachment for two years now.


I know, it was so exciting when they thought they’d found them again, however, didn’t last.


Trump calls this guy a total lightweight…

That’s kind of ironic considering, would the Potus fit in any shirt that looks like Rep. Amash’s here?


Amash is doing what a representative should, listening to his voters and trying to find the best answers for them. I know he’s a Republican, but that shouldn’t matter…our system is set up to find agreement among many different points of view, even when there is disagreement. Republicans forgot that in their quest for absolute power that started after Clinton was elected…we shouldn’t forget it as well.

If Amash is seeing this in his district, then it’s likely that other Republican districts are showing the same kind of push back against Trump’s actions and behavior. There is a ton of pressure for Republicans to go along with the party, but if the pressure of the voters grows large enough some will peel off as a matter of survival. Amash isn’t doing that, he appears to be standing on principle and his district is agreeing with him. This may start to apply pressure on others though, and maybe that will start the ball rolling downhill.

The Democrats deserve some credit here as well, their push for the report, and for more testimony and information, opened a space for someone like Amash to evaluate the report on its terms (instead of going along with the part line). Immediate impeachment would have closed that door…now it just requires more pressure, and more Republicans brave enough to tell the truth, and we’ll see even more pressure applied to Trump.


What’s weirder still is that living in GR, I have yet to meet anyone that voted for him in over two years since the election. The shame in having to admit it seems to have made all those people duck and run for cover.

I have a neighbor with a handwritten anti-tRump sign on her front door saying something to the effect that we must get rid of him now and can’t sit around waiting for him to change because that’s never gonna happen. Its right there next to her welcome mat. Love it.


Here’s hoping the D’s find a spine while they’re rooting around in their basement.

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I’ve been cautious to skeptical about Amash but there’s no arguing with the substance of his tweet storms if you take them at face value, and it has caused Pelosi to scramble to find a new justification for not declaring a formal impeachment inquiry. That he appears to be leaning into this on CNN is nice, even if all it means is that he becomes a CNN political analyst in a few months. Grand Rapids was actually reasonably HRC friendly in 2016. If the rest of suburban/exurban MI had voted like GR, HRC would’ve won MI.

There’s little question that Amash has shamed many a Democrat on this issue and that there is a broad cross section of suburban voters, white voters and moderate/Indie voters who support holding Trump accountable.


I heard one of them and it sounded as if she camps on Trump’s twitter feed, gets daily updates from his campaign, and ranted that POTUS as POTUS was spied on FISA ABUSE! Amash then told her Trump himself reauthorized FISA and was did not support Amash’s amendment to protect private citizens. Basically told the woman she was lied to by Nunes, POTUS etc.

And no I don’t live in Michigan, Molly Jong Fast posted a link to the T.Hall. I am done watching. I support his calls for impeachment but that’s all.


Can you imagine what it would do to anyone’s psyche camping on tRump’s twitter feed? Not normal, can never be normal.


and on a tangentially related note…

Christopher Steele is giving Barr (and his hand-picked lackey, Durham) the finger, and won’t talk to them in connection with the bogus “deep state” investigation…

The former British spy who produced a dossier describing alleged links between Donald Trump and Russia will not cooperate with a prosecutor assigned by U.S. Attorney General William Barr to review how the investigations of Trump and his 2016 election campaign began, a source with knowledge of the situation said.


GR, proper, is pretty blue and getting more so. But as soon as you get out into Holland, Jennison, Zeeland, and the rural areas, it turns bright red. With that, I think (hope) that with the court cases and the idiotic things tRump says are begining to have an impact on the voters that aren’t his core. Won’t take much for Michigan to go against him and there are enough electoral votes to make him really worried; which is a good thing.


IMHO -Trumpers do not believe themselves to be out numbered but they are. They are used to his red meat own the libs rallies and this crowd was decidedly not that. Just a guess here but many in that crowd likely voted for Obama and Trump and are now embarrassed by their vote for Trump.


Two years from now, probably no one will admit to voting for him.