Great sign. It may be slow, but little by little some of them are turning and being supported.
Hah! Fox: Democrat infiltrators swarm GOPer’s town hall.
More Republicans need to do this. His constituents are supportive. He is goading other Republicans to stand up and stand out. I don’t care if he is prepping for a run at Trump. He’s more likely to split Trump voters than Dems. There are more of us.
This is good news but I have to wonder about the composition of the crowd at the Town Hall. If this continues and expands, we may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Possibly, but if that were the case I would have expected to hear boos to counter the applause. There had to have been Republicans there - the guy is in the Freedom Caucus and got elected as a Tea Partier. Interesting that only applause was audible in the clip of the town hall, then.
(Edit: I know that you were joking about the Fox headline, and that didn’t come across in my post - sorry about that)
He is not holding back.
Heh. Themz my peeps. GR is not for Rumpty Dumpty…and WOODTV was very dismissive of Amash this morning after they got through with their usual traffic and weather reports. They had to mention of course that Queen Betsy and top Republicans had withdrawn their financial support from him. They are a wholly-owned subsidiary of the DeVos machine here. Disgusting biased reporters on that news channel when it comes to local politics.
I should add even their top two weather guys at WOODTV for years were and still are climate deniers and one of them taught at a local university here too.
naked mole rats are known for not getting jokes right away
We might have just seen the motivation for Amash taking his stand. If he senses that his local voters are turning against Trump (in sufficient numbers), he needed to sing a song other than the one that Trump is singing.
He saw his shot and he’s taking it. Good thing he chose the right thing to be right about.
Oh boy. Maybe Fat Donnie doesn’t have quite the hold on his crazy base that he thinks does.
And, the question is, how many more Rethugs are out there that feel like tRump has to go but are total cowards to speak out. Maybe Amash will help them see something other than the end of their noses.
It is probably too much to hope that they might vote against Trump, but it may be enough if they stay home and just don’t vote for him.
Not so many boos if the trumplovers were outnumbered. Unless armed and in gangs, most of these guys aren’t much braver than Trump himself is.
I am hoping his disgraceful behavior in japan this past weekend was the tipping point for his supporters. as the daughter of a Korean war vet, I cannot for a second believe that those men and their families weren’t horrified by what he said. and then to learn that the program to find the remains of the missing has been cancelled…
While he may have been in GR, I’m pretty certain the audience was from all around his district which, for the most part, is staunchly Republican. (He is my rep, sadly.) Amash also took Barr to task today (via Twitter) concerning Barr’s presentation(s) of the Mueller report. I’ve got my fingers crossed, but it takes a spark to light a fire and I hope Amash is that spark.
The democratic party is waiting for repug approval before they make any overt moves. So Amash is a very good sign.
But we need more than one. There must be another. (Why am I suddenly thinking of Star Wars?)
The walls are starting to close in, Donnie.
Ironic, huh?