Dear White People,
Shocked I tell you, Shocked
My Oh My Bois will be bois won’t they
How’s about they be allowed to govern until some women are voted in?
On another note, unless it is a criminal offense, I’m becoming less and less interested in the stupid crap somebody did thirty years ago before they finally grew the f’ck up.
What the hell do you mean there is no Santa Claus?
White Virginians raised in a privileged racist background - whodathunkit?
Surely it’s not only Virginia.
Face. Meet. Egg.
Karma’s a b… Who is the Republican that would be in line to be governor if Northam, Fairfax, and then Herring resigned? Someone’s past needs to be scrutinized pronto. You know, glass houses and all.
I’m getting a feeling that this is going to spiral to a point where they look like they went to the Appomattox academy.
Charles Pierce nailed what I commented on Tuesday:
“The only thing I’m talking about today is the budget. I’m here to pass a budget today.”
Yeah, the motherfucker actually said that to a reporter when he was confronted about his work on the yearbook.
And not only where the men are white neither…
But just you wait. Somewhere in the background tRump is making America great again
File under: “careful what you wish for, repugs”
Dozens, nay, hundreds of yearbooks from schools in the land ‘o’ dixie are being sifted through. And no, we won’t look away.
My, I am so shocked that they would also find racist Republicans in Virginia! I guess the GOP of the state didn’t think that would happen because the VA GOP has always been so pro-civil rights and fought so very, very hard for the voting rights of black people and other minorities. After all, they ARE the “Party of Lincoln”!
Kirkland Cox and someone is looking at his yearbooks now.
Racism in general, no. But Virginia does seem to be something of a Blackface Ground Zero.
I heard racial slurs growing up in South Florida in the 60’s and 70’s, and watched all those bad old Disney cartoons with jiving crows. But I don’t think I ever even knew about blackface until seeing Al Jolson’s mammy routine in a film history class. It just wasn’t part of the local culture. But boy, was it ever in Virginia, apparently.
Lets make this easier, Elected officials in Virginia who have not participated in blackface, racism please raise your hand…
Virginia is probably the nexus of privileged fratbro culture in this country. That doesn’t make them the most racist, by any stretch of the imagination, but it makes this sort of racist acting-out much more prevalent.
What was going on at VMI. Did all these guys secretly want to be black?
Why don’t they just go down the line of succession until they reach a woman or a black person to be the next governor and save everyone some time and aggravation? Apparently there are no white men in Virginia politics without a racist history.