As a lifelong liberal, I’ve been losing elections all my adult life! The petulance of some (not all) of Sanders’ supporters is incredible. If Trump wins in the fall, those supporters are probably going to experience the fallout for a much longer period than I will.
But if you are hell-bent on self-destruction, nothing can stop you.
More of this please.
Bernie Sanders supporters should heed the call of Bernie to leverage their well earned influence at the convention, but not at the expense of splitting the party and electing Trump.
“I want someone to explain to me how they are Bernie or bust but Bernie is not,”
Easy, because Bernie made it personal and turned it into an almost moral obligation NOT to vote for the “Corporate Whore”. People were saying it the whole damned time he was going to far, now you’ve got people like Rosario Dawson who consider it an almost religious sin to vote for she who spoketh to the Street of Wall. He can’t put the damned genie back in the bottle anymore.
Guess what. Clinton supporters have to let it go too.
Every time a Bernie supporter pops up and says it is time to get behind Clinton there is plenty of crap spewed their way from HRC primary supporters on this site. If you’re sick of the “BernieBots” acting like children, maybe you should look at your own behavior as well.
The RNC publicly worked constantly against Trump, made no effort to hide it. Yet, Trump won handily because that is who the base wanted, regardless of what the RNC did. So, if the base had wanted Bernie badly enough, he too would have won the nomination.
I hope millennials show up to vote and invest in their futures unless they want to see a return of wide spread open racism, sexism and general jackassery and a decrease in their earning power coupled with an increase in their debt if it is tied to any kind of changing interests rates like a credit card. I think that’s the biggest crowd we really need to get out and get used to voting every election. After three and a half decades of political activism I would really hate to see it all go to hell because we Brexited ourselves and elected a guy so incompetent he went bankrupt with casinos back when casinos were rare which guaranteed them as money makers but it wasn’t Trump’s incompetence, no, according to him it was having hired black accountants over Jewish ones. He said it wasn’t the black accountants’ fault because they were innately lazy. Seriously.
Actually this is not true. Why would anyone spew at someone saying it’s time to get behind the nominee? Or is this written in error?
Generally the reaction from HRC supporters comes from reacting to repeated incorrect accusations and name callings. When people listed out philosophical or position differences I didn’t see much “spewing.”
Why are HRC supporters supposed to be adults if Sanders supporters refuse to do the same?
Umm… What I’ve seen is when ever a Bernie supporter shows up and says it’s time to get behind Clinton, they’re met with statements of “Welcome brother/sister”,
Now when people like Conundrum, Darcy and Carlos shit up a thread with CDS/Bernieorbust bullshit… Yeah, then the knives come out.
That’s the issue here. Some of these people really need to understand that despite not getting the nom, how much they REALLY won.
The root of progressive is still PROGRESS, ffs. That’s what is getting lost in the tantrums of the participation medal generation. You can’t make progress in a vacuum, and you certainly aren’t going to make any by handing the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania to Kremlin Don.
Did you even bother to read the comment above mine?
ETA: or the one directly below this one.
Will all responsible Sanders supporters please rally to shut these petulant children the fuck up!?! Good God what a bunch of self entitled assholes.
That’s really all we’re asking for. That the grownups in the room do some heavy lifting here.
Finally, some common sense.
You mean the comment above yours that I like because I agree with? That comment is stating what a lot of us saw Bernie Sanders do. He misled (to be kind) his followers into believing things that now he can’t even control. Please watch the reactions to his own call for unity.
How is that unfair or attacking supporters who are calling for unity? Why is it wrong to say it was incredibly short sighted of Sanders to salt the ground for his short term gain at the expense of the bigger picture?
I wish that were true. Honestly, I was never a “berniebot” or “berniebro” but rather his politics aligned more with mine than HRC’s. The primaries are over and she is now my candidate. I will vote for her and I’ve donated to her campaign. This election is going to be a very heavy lift and we all need to work together.
However, just scroll thru some of the comments on the stories around here. There are plenty of deranged folks and it is far from only on the Bernie side.
Yeah, I’m one of those “deranged folks” whose been posting a lot today…
Almost all the Vitriol has been leveled at the protesters, Darcy, Conundrum, Carlos, Trippin and Ronbeyers… All of them are peddling Bernieorbust horseshit…
People espousing unity have been largely quoted, welcomed and getting plenty of “likes”… Even from me.
Never assume Bernie’s supporters do not want Trump to win. Remember, it would only prove they were right all along that Hillary could not beat Trump (only Bernie could do that, they’ll say). The human desire to cut off one’s nose to spite one’s face should never be underestimated — nor should the irresistible desire to be in a position to say, See, I told you so. I warned you, didn’t I.
Good on Rep. Ellison. There is a segment of Sanders “supporters” who want a Trump presidency. To “eighteen the contrast” and quicken the “revolution”.
I applaud his efforts today, as well as Sanders today (yesterday on MTP, not so much). But they are way late on this and this is something many of us have been pointing out since May (or even earlier, once the delegate math because a forgone conclusion).