Are you watching the convention right now? The level of disrespect from Bernie supporters is outrageous. The booed harder at the mention of Hillary Clinton’s name than they did at the mention of Paul Ryan’s name. They disrupted Elijah Cumming’s speech (and you wonder why African Americans didn’t line up in droves behind Bernie?).
You’re directing your disdain at the wrong people. Bring your own to heel first and then get back to us on how awful we are.
There was a lot of frustration during the primaries on both sides. I think one side got more out of hand than the other, but perhaps you see it differently.
The important thing is that all, or as many as possible, of the Bernie or Bust folks realize that a national election with stakes like this one is no time to sulk to the point of electing Trump, which would entail consequences so awful, for so long (consider just the SCOTUS picks), that anything they might have wanted to achieve will be impossible for many, many years, if ever.
Asking Clinton supporters to be more gracious and/or welcoming when they come around is fine. But if that doesn’t happen to the satisfaction of the Bernie holdouts, they still have to realize that it’s very strongly in their best interests to make sure Trump is not elected. And that means voting for HRC, and maybe even working for her, however distasteful it might seem at the moment.
But can we please acknowledge that the HRC campaign and the DNC has been NOTHING BUT gracious (honestly what they wrote in private was private and was never said or acted on publicly), and he had been given a prime spot, and platform say. But none of it matters. So how long should HRC delegates and party be “gracious” while they don’t return the favor?
You think posts like this may have something to do with it?
I’m glad Bernie surrogates are reminding the extreme liberals just what this big picture is all about…HILLARY vs TRUMP! These talks should have occurred sooner rather than later.
“Mommy, why was Roe v. Wade overturned?”
“Because Mommy and her friends had a temper tantrum after Bernie Sanders didn’t get the Democratic nomination.”
I hear this a lot, the voters didn’t want Sanders because he didn’t win. Remember that Hillary started with huge advantages. Lots of grooming and expectation. There was talk of her campaign back while Bill was still in office. The NY Senate seat, the 1st campaign, the SoS position, all the public speaking w/ the incredible fees. Everything pointed to this candidacy. Then there was the media narrative, the meme of inevitability, and the money.
The public had to learn about Sanders, they already knew Hillary. As more people became familiar w/ Sanders message his popularity grew. He pulled support from Hillary and gathered a higher percentage of the uncommitted as time went on. Had they started from a similar place the result would have been much different.
Everyone knows the current system is broken and Hillary is a part of that system. Sanders is not and, unfortunately Trump is not.
Back during the primaries the polls indicated that Sanders would do better against Trump. His consistency, his relative lack of baggage, and his economic populism were a better counterpoint to Trump than Hillary’s mildly liberal, establishment conservatism.
I’m afraid for my country. I’ll vote Hillary and encourage my fellow Sanders supporters to do the same. Whether they listen is another story.
Mr. Sanders has been in the Senate for quite some time. I am sure he is part of “the system” more than people may like to admit.
After all, it was a political decision to run as a Democrat, a party that he never shown much affection for, caucusing when needed notwithstanding. One may call that decision “shrewd” while others may say it’s an insider’s gambit that worked.
In any event, none of this will matter with a President Trump, because I will be forced to build his wall and won’t be here to enjoy everyone’s company.
The Clinton campaign has given Bernie and his supporters an unprecedented level of concessions, from adopting numerous of his positions in the platform, to meaningful reforms like reducing the number of super delegates by 2/3 and giving him a prime time speaking slot at the convention.
But its the comments that BernieOrBust people receive (not have made themselves, mind you…you know, like hundreds of death threats and nasty voice and text messages to the chair woman in Nevada), that is clearly the issue and completely justifies everything the Sandernistas do in an attempt to disrupt the convention.
snarkon/ Yeah…I can totally see how fair and balanced that perspective is /snarkoff
I really don’t understand why the idea that we need to get behind Hillary no matter who we voted for in the primary is such a hard pill to swallow. The job at hand is to get Hillary, the nominee, to win the election - get over it!
Its Hillary or Trump. Fish or Chicken. Fascism or Democracy. There is NO third choice! A vote for the third party is a vote for Trump and a dark, dark world.
I would suggest that when you talk to your fellow Sanders supporters,though…you lose the “the system is broken and Hillary is part of the system” part of your speech,however. Perhaps focus on her life long commitment to helping others, be it healthcare, gender inequality or racial injustice…all places where she has a long history of working to fix broken systems.
“Mommy why did Roe get overturned?” “Honey because the economically right wing, but socially liberal banking class bought a Hillary Clinton presidency. She then followed her word, and negotiated with the GOP on choice. After her war on Iran destroyed the economy and killed hundreds of thousands she lost to a rabid Ted Cruz in 2020. With the constitutional amendment on late term abortion that Hillary signed with 2/3 of the Red States, Cruz appointed a few judges and now abortion is illegal AND unconstitutional.”